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My name is Jonathan and my CAG is Zoey Henry. I've had ZH for three years from a rescue shelter in KY, originally thought to be a female with the name Zoey. I have suspected recently that he is actually a boy, hence the new name Zoey Henry. He's very sweet to me and a few other people with a vocab of 35-50 words and utterance length average three words.



I also have a few questions:

1) His closed band say 22 07MIGLAS-- I'm guessing he is from a breeder in the Michigan Great Lakes and born in 2007. Does anyone have experience from this?

2) We are moving in the next few weeks from Indiana to Portland, OR. He will ride in the back seat in his travel cage. Any suggestions on how to make this trip an easier? He actually has always loved car rides.


Thanks so much in advance!!


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Hello Jonathan and welcome to our family.

The bands are particular to each breeder so really there is no way to determine what the numbers and letters mean.

He should have no problems with the trip especially if he loves to ride in the car, just make sure he has fresh water and food to eat along with a couple of things to play with. My grey loves to ride in the car also, she will talk at times and play with some of her toys, hope you have a safe and happy trip.

Would love to see some pictures of Zoey Henry if you have some you would share with us.

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Hi Jonathan and Zoey Hennry. Welcome to the grey forum.

If your grey likes car rides than you have it made.

My grey Corky and my amazon Cricket both love to travel and I think its because they are close to us and we can interact with each other for long periods of time.

As far as your band a breeder can put anything they want to identify their own birds. There is no standard.

Some will use a date of hatch and a breeder code.

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Welcome to the NW. I live across the Columbia in Washington State. Zoey Henry is quite handsome. Welcome to the Grey family!


Do you believe it. Yesterday, Washington was the hottest state! Go figure!

Edited by luvparrots
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I was talking with a local avian expert. I showed her a picture, and she said, "I think that's a male."

Zoey Henry does have a larger head than the females I've seen and a more round body. I will do DNA sampling soon to be sure.


Thanks for all the warm responses guys.

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While Zoey Henry may love car rides and react well to that part of the trip, your first move together may have some rough spots. If your schedule is going to be different with a new job it might help to start a transition time where you change things up a bit in a familiar surrounding to see what kind of reaction you get. Talk to her and tell her what you are doing, it felt a little silly at first but I have discovered it does help Gilbert when he has a little reassurance. With a rehomed grey there could be a little anxiety with the change but you have had a long time for her to get adjusted and to trust you so it will probably be a piece of cake. It wouldn't hurt to keep a journal of what you are doing and her behavior every day for a while. That way you can look back and see how long something has been going on and help to spot the onset of any unusual behavior. We have moved a lot with corporate transfers and sometimes you get so caught up in what has to be done, that it is easy to forget small stuff and to our greys, small stuff is noticed. LOL. If you haven't changed things around in ZH's big cage, take pictures and try to put things back the way they were so her immediate surroundings are familiar. You may have a resilient grey who will take this move in stride and love you so much that just being with you is enough. If you prepare ahead and are mindful of changes for her, you will be glad you did.

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