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Need Your Prayers......


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I made a horrible mistake today, I went out the back slider to check the mail, and before I knew what happen, Luigi came flying out after me. I never closed the screen door behind me. I was instantly crushed at what a stupid mistake I made. My wife, kids and I spent several hours trying to get him back. He would perch in a tree top, and as I moved closer to him he flew away. This occurred three times. Finally he flew off into the sunset, we have not seen him since. I cant help but beating myself up over this. I pray he makes his way home in the morning. I have left his cage in the back yard, with any luck he will be hungry in the morning, and come get his breakfast. Thank you all in advance for your prayers.



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Well there has been no sightings of Luigi, I just pray that best case scenario, someone found him and at least gives him a good home. I have called every animal hospital, bird sanctuary, animal control, local bird clubs and put out almost one hundred fliers. My hope is dwindling quickly......I will never be able to replace such a wonderful family member.


Wayne :(

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Wayne, I am so sorry for the fear and angst you are feeling and for Luigi to be out. Keep your spirits up and keep looking and looking. It is still early and lots of people who have come to the forum have had happy reunions. Don't waste energy beating yourself up, that is something that can happen to any of us even with the best efforts at vigilance. We are praying for recovery and getting Luigi home again.

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You have my prayers for sure! Ironically I have a friend who had a cat named Luigi who disappeared for three weeks but found his way home. I pray that there is something lucky in that name and you will be reunited soon. Don't lose hope.

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Well there has been no sightings of Luigi, I just pray that best case scenario, someone found him and at least gives him a good home. I have called every animal hospital, bird sanctuary, animal control, local bird clubs and put out almost one hundred fliers. My hope is dwindling quickly......I will never be able to replace such a wonderful family member.Wayne :(


I know how you feel from experience. Do not ever give up hope. My Conure Jake flew away one afternoon during hellacious windy thunder storm a few years back as I walked out our sliding glass door. I searched high and low around my entire area within a half mile walking, calling, listening for over a week. I also posted fliers, on all kinds of websites etc. After 3 weeks, a person from a city 45 miles away responded to my craigslist ad about jake. They had found him feeding at their outdoor bird seed plate. One of their children slowly walked up and he stepped up for them. They had found him a week before they responded to my ad. I could tell they had already fell in love with him, but I suppose they decided they should look and see if anyone had reported him missing. I hope this type of scenario turns out to be true of Luigi and you receive a call or email in the coming days or weeks. :)

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I want to thank everyone for all the prayers, Luigi was found today. He flew into the local bus companies garage and the onto the shoulder of one of the mechanics. They took him to the lunch room and fed him like a king. They called and my daughter and I went to pick him up. He was a big time celebrity with everyone there. He looks a little banged up, but not anything real bad. Gonna keep an eye on him for a few days, but I think he is going to be ok. Once again, thank you to everyone !!!!!!!



God Bless you all !!!!!



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Hooray, Wayne! So happy Luigi is home safe and sound. I hope you are baking a big batch of cookies for the bus mechanics. Big sigh of relief and best wishes all around! Would love to see some pictures of Luigi and his human family if you get a chance.

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