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Makena Reaches 1,000 Posts!


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Congratulations Makena!


I am so happy to Welcome you into our 1000 post club! You are a wonderful person, a very good friend, and quite the poster! You love your Grey so much, it comes across in all your posts. We can feel that love, I hope that precious bird knows how lucky she is!

I enjoy all you bring to us here, I have learned a lot from your vast knowledge in varous subjects. You are always so quick to help anyone who needs help here, whether it be posting , giving advice, helping new members feel welcome, helping them to navigate this forum a little better, and my favorite......... finding links.

I especially love how you make me feel like I’m in Hawaii with all your beautiful photos, if only for a short time. I so want to visit there, because of you, one day I will.


Congratulations Kristin, I’m very happy you are a member of our family, and I look forward to reading your next 1000 posts! I love ya girl, keep up the good work!






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Makena. To reach 1000 posts in any forum you need to be dedicated to that forum whole heartedly. There is no question in my mind that you are dedicated to this forum and your new family. Truly we are a family here and as your fellow family member I want to tell you that I love your warmth, caring, kindness, consideration, compassion and friendship you have shown ME and EVERYONE you have come in contact with.


In fact, if you don't believe me that others here feel like I do let me remind you of what other have said in your questbook.


Kristen is someone I admire. She is smart, does her research, has very helpful advice, and is a wonderful friend. She is a lot of fun to chat with. I value her friendship, and wish the best for her in her life. We are lucky to have her here. She is a valuable contributing member and friend to all.



She's my friend... need I say more . Clearly a great person, friendly and fun. Also likly someone I'll look to when I get my grey ...someday!



Kristin has been a great contributor and fun member to have on our Forum. Never change Kristin!!


Kristin is a very sweet young woman, always friendly and helpful toward anyone on this forum. She is bright, smart and knows what she wants and goes after it, she will go far in this world. I am glad to call her a true friend.


can't believe I never signed your book. Your great to have around, always. A good friend.


Hello! Thank you for adding me to your friends! You are a very nice person. I hope we can chat again sometime!

-Christina and Calvin


OMG. How I let your guestbook so by sooo long without signing it is beyond me. So so sorry Makena. I love having you here in this forum with us. You are a cherished family who can't be replaced. Thank you for spending so much time here with us.


As you can see Kristin. We love you. :) I'm happy that African Greys live so long. Happy because we will be family until we die. ;)


Congratulations Sweetie. ;)



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1000 posts will be even better.




YOU'RE A Hotie


When you look up the word FRIEND in the dictionary you find the Name Kristin.

Not are you only a good friend, but you are a sweetie, a comic, knowledgable, you help and support all members at the forum, and you take great photo.

Ok! I want a copy of this to go to the Wine Maker.



Joe<br><br>Post edited by: nevjoe, at: 2007/10/20 00:33

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Kristin, here I go again, wow you finally made it into the club of 1000+ posts and it couldn't happen to a nicer person. You are a bright and funny woman who is going somewhere and knows what she wants.


I always look forward to chatting with you in the IM box and I am proud to call you one of my good friends. You are an amazing woman who is always helpful and compassionate to everyone.


To be so young you certainly are knowledegeable about greys and you are an asset to this forum, for without you, well I just can't imagine, it would be too horrible.


I look forward to many, many more years of sharing comments, gossip, chit chat and of course helpful information with you and may you be blessed with good luck and happiness in your upcoming marriage to Andrew. You go girl!!!!


Love ya


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Good job sweetie!

Congrats! I knew you would do it. I'm happy that you have become a part of this forum and I have been introduced to so many greyt people! I enjoy reading about what you and everyone post. Thanks for your support everyone else!


When you said you wanted to reach 1000 before the end of the week, I knew it wouldn't be long before you reached your goal. XOXO




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Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments. I can't say enough good things about this place! I never thought I could become so attached so quickly to a forum and all it's members. I have made the greatest friends here. Thanks for giving me such a warm welcome and making this place feel like home. I love you all so much!!!

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