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HI from west cumbria

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Hi my name is kev and im from west cumbria, my dilema is this, i'm 99% sure im getting a grey but this is bothering me i work 8 hours a day and im woried this is to much away, i have been told its not a issue as longs as he/she gets the attention when im there, and when im not to leave the tv on and make sure there is plenty of toys, by the looks of this site i will be set right on this issue :-)

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Is it a baby your going for, I understand I to waited years Iv had Alfie since he was 10 weeks he is now 13 months, we do have our problems but the guys on here have been very helpful and supportive, but I cant answer your question as I'm lucky and work about 28 hours but he is'nt always out due to having dogs and the fact he hates me doing tasks around the house so for his and my safety he has to be caged during these times, all I can say from my experience is its a whole new way of life, there loads on here to read, I look forward to seeing how this goes

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Hi, welcome and it is great you are doing your research before making such a lifelong commitment. I have 3 parrots and when I first got them, I didn't work many hours, I was able to be home and they were out most of the time I was home. Fast forward 4years, I am now working full time and also part time so I am gone a lot. My birds get an hour and a half out inthe morning before I leave for work and then most nights, they are our when I get home ASAP. Some nights they get 3 or more hours, some nights they only get 1 1/2 hours....they have mcaw size cages, lots of toys, perches and swings. Always a full snack bowl along with their food and water bowls and the tv on. On the weekends they are out most of thedays. They seem to have adapted well, but sure do miss me, try are all over me when I am home.

I feel bad for te change in thir life style, but financially this is the way it is for now.

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A lot of us on the forum and are gone 8 hours or more. It may not be ideal, but what in life is? I leave forage stuff for Timber and toys he enjoys, and he seems to be fine with it. I think the key is that like children, they expect your attention when you ARE there. I find myself staying home more in the evenings and scheduling my weekend activities differently so that I can spend more time with Timber. Good luck and God bless :)

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Timber has a couple of "purchased" forage items in his cage. He has a forage ball that hangs from the cage top and has a bell on the bottom. I have a couple of others I rotate out. You can search "forage" on a site like http://www.birdsafestore.com or http://www.drsfostersmith.com for that type.


He also loves boxes. I take a box (like an empty poptart box) and stuff it with shredded paper, pieces of straw or other safe filler. Then I take a peanut (human grade, roasted, unsalted) and wrap it in a piece of coffee filter and put it in there. I'll also put an almond in the shell in that way and whatever else I have to use. Close the box back up and put it in the bottom of the cage. His favorite type of box is a small shipping box (the corrugated cardboard). He will chew on those for hours. Another favorite is a grocery sack (paper). I cut a few inches off the top to make it manageable in the bottom of the cage then put a couple things in it like foot toys and a few pumpkin seeds. He will play in the sack for a good while too. He hides in it and we play "find the bird." He will chew peep holes in strategic places. The possibilities are endless. You just have to make sure that the items you use are safe for birds to chew and eat.


Wingy just mentioned using whiffle balls for forage balls on another thread, which I'm going to try next time I get to Walmart.


They just need something to give them a bit of a challenge and keep their minds occupied! There a lot of ideas contained in the forum if you read the threads.

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You've joined the best African Grey Site on the web. There's a lot of experience here and everyone is very eager to help us all with any question, or even share stories and pictures of our Grey feathered friends. I just joined grey forums last week and I'm glad I did. I've had parrots of many species since I was 10 years old, I'm almost 50 now. Just about 6 years ago, I purchased a male Congo Grey, he was 13 weeks old at the time. I can't begin to tell you in this one reply, how he became (right from the start) the most special friend in my life. I consider him my room mate with feathers and a beak! I've read somewhere that "African Grey's are natures little secret". Yes they are.

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Hi Kev and welcome to the grey forum.

Many members are away from their birds because they have to work.

Make sure they have food and fresh water and lots of toys to play with and you also can leave a radio or TV on to keep the company.

When you are ready to get your grey we will be here to help you all we can.

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Hello Kev and welcome to our family.

Most of us work full time, I know I do and I still have quality time with my grey when I get home from work, I leave a radio on for background noise and I have two other parrots that are in the same room with her so they are company for each other.

I am glad you are doing your research before plunging in and you will learn a lot from the members here on this forum so just ask those questions you have and we will do our best to give you some answers and help you in any way we can.

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I have three parrots, live alone and am retired. Frankly, my three are out a lot. They are flighted and go from room to room as they choose. They have perches, boings and toys all over my home. They do not care to be with me all the time. Like everyone, they like their alone time where they play and eat as they choose. As long as they have some time with their human flock, I find that my parrots are happy.

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