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I'm so glad to find this forum.....:)....I will be re-adopting a CAG and a TAG that I re-homed 8 yrs ago, due to divorce, depression and lots of instability in my life. I am in a much better place now and the man contacted me this week to say his wife died 2 weeks ago and she was the bird person. Long story, shortened, he is rehoming them and 8 yrs ago, they promised to contact me first should anything ever happen. They have been well taken care of. They are 13 and 14 yrs old. and I am very excited to get them back and have thoroughly thought this through. I will be picking them up in JUne... One thing that surprised me is that they now live in the same cage....One likes to stay in more and the other out more...Is this common? I look forward to reading and re-acquainting with greys and their owners.



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Hi margo53 and welcome to the grey forum.

You must be very happy to get your greys back and we are very happy for you. What are their names, boys or girls ??

And when you get them back we love pictures.

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Welcome Marguerite. I love hearing of stories like this when loved ones are brought back in to ones life at just the right time. It is a win-win for both. :)


Two greys together since young for years and that get along could over time decide sharing one cage is preferable. I look forward to hearing more as this reunion happens and you have time to share some photos.

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Hello Marguerite and welcome to our family.

Congrats on getting the two greys you formally owned back again and I sincerely hope this will be their final and forever home. Maybe it was just meant for you to have them since circumstances worked out the way they did.

That's wonderful that they both get along with one another and share the same cage but I would advise providing a separate cage for each as there may come a time when one may want a cage to themselves, most greys are particular about their cage and it is their safety zone so even if they use just one cage most of the time there will be that option if needed, better to have and not need it than need it and not have it.

I look forward to seeing some pictures of these two greys and what are their names and do you know the sexes?

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Thank you all so much! The TAG is a male and his name is Duke. He was/is a plucker. He used to pluck his chest area now he plucks his tail, then lets it grow out a while then does it again. Duchess is the CAG (female)...very sweet and talks and meows. The man who has her has 5 cats and they all meow differently , as does she...Cant wait to hear that. She used to call my cat by name (SmellyCat) and still calls him. I will be sure to send pics....

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Its going to be an interesting reunion, I haven't known anyone else who has been able to do this. I have often thought of fostering for someone going through a rough time and wondered how that would work out for the parrots. In your instance it is the best of both worlds because they need you now and you are in the best place to bring them back. I hope they are as thrilled with the reunion as they can possibly be. It is going to be fun getting to know them with you.

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  • 1 month later...

HI everyone again :-)... well, I am about 10- 14 days away from having my birds home!! I am getting really excited! Do yall think they will remember me after 8 yrs?? Also I am looking for a playstand that I can roll around the house and they both can play on together....does anyone have one they recommend... I will definitely post pics as soon as I get them... We will be driving to get them , from Alabama to Virginia...longggg haul!

We will arrive and visit with them one day and head back home the next day :-)

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I cant wait to hear how the reunion goes. I believe your greys will remember you and am very curious to hear they react. Yes, I am very excited for you. Duke and Duchess great names. I have a male CAG (Sterling Gris[Grey]) and a female TAG (Ana Grey) that do tolerate each other. Looking forward to seeing some pictures.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just went through this same situation and just got my baby back this past weekend. How long did you have them and how long were they away from you. My reunion has gone better than I could have hoped and I am sure your's will too. Keep us posted.

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Hi ! Just wanted to let everyone know we got our birds this past weekend! We visited with them SAturday for a good while. Duchess (CAG) stepped up to me after about 10 minutes and since then (11 hr drive home) it has been like they never left! Amazing! I really think they remember us! Now Duchess has always liked females the best....and I am sure she missed her other mommy that passed away....There is no telling when she was handled last as the lady was sick with cancer for a yr and a half. This truly has turned into a rescue situation. The poor man is not a bird person and its obvious and wasnt taking good care of them. They were in a dark, dusty room in extremely dirty cage. He said cage was very dirty because Duchess will not let him get near her. Duchess has never been a feather plucker but her chest only is plucked to the skin but I am very hopeful she will leave them alone. I did see her doing some normal preening and havnt seen her pluck any. They were very tired when we got home so we had to hurry and clean the cage as best we could and get them to bed. They seemed happy, ate well, drank and slept well.... Duchess is saying a few of the same words she used to just not as many. She called our cat after we were just with her a few minutes!

Duke (TAG) has always plucked all over and when we got there Sat he had tail feathers but quickly removed them once we got going in the car :-(.... HE wouldnt step up to go into the travel cage so I just had to pick him up and pry him off the bars , with him screaming and squawking, so I am sure that was major stress. Yes I got bit but he didnt draw blood. Today he is stepping up! This morning I gave them a misting bath(just as I used to do) and I always said "Who wants a bath?" and I said those same words this am. They were VERY happy to get baths!! No telling when they last one was but its behind us.

When I first saw Duchess in that dark room, it looked like the tops of her wings were plucked but when I looked closer , she wasnt plucked at all there but has little orange feathers there on the very top edges of her wings! HAs anyone ever heard of this or seen it? We are so happy to have them back home and we are taking it easy and resting alot today ... Just thought I would bring yall up to date and I will try to post some pics on here tonight :-)

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Grey update! I am so happy they are both in a new and loving home that knows how parrots should be treated and taken care of. The red feathers you see are called "Red Factor" and some greys do have those feathers. I am looking forward to further updates and photo's as time permits. Right now, you all need some "Chillin" time. :)

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