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And he spoke...


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Big cheers for Bongo. He will surely continue to speak to you when he darn well feels like it. Gilbert said very few new things since he came to us, but within the past few weeks he has picked up lots of new things. I live with a little apprehension that he is taking notes and will suddenly start saying things I would rather he didn't pick up. There are always those times when someone will forget he is within earshot and they say something that makes me say "not in front of the bird". LOL.

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Bongo will be talking like crazy before you know it.Sean came home from college last nite. Sat with Sean to watch Django unchained. A very long movie, and very violent! But good. Sophie decided to watch the movie with us. UMMMMMM.... should I say she decided to watch the movie with Sean.Well past her bedtime, but I let her occasionally. She didn't leave Seans shoulder for three hours. Nancy

S for three hours.

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Well he hasn't yet but has now decided to hate me a little. Lol spent hours on the couch with him Saturday, wouldn't let me pet him but he wouldn't stop kissing me or stop laughing at my chihuahua who couldn't jump high enough to get on the couch with us. Yesterday, he just bit me while we were on the couch, lol. He wouldn't even fly to me to help with dinner which is something he does everyday. Ah, those moods, it is like he became a teenager overnight!

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