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My crazy bird


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So tonight Escher played his favorite past time for a while, climb the momma. He climbs up to my shoulder I take him down he climbs up again, repeat several times. Then he decided he wanted to snuggle, I hope he never gets past that, he is just so sweet.

Then he was playing on his play stand, which is between our recliners, I pulled out my laptop and he decided that he didn't want to be on his stand and got on the arm of my recliner, he then decided he wanted the mouse and ran across the laptop to get on the other arm where my hand and the mouse were.

After I took the mouse away he started chattering and making noises. We have been trying to get him to do the wolf whistle but he won't, tonight my husband did the first part of the whistle and Escher did the second part. It was so cute. So I took out my phone to video him making all the noises and guess what he stopped. We tried for 3 minutes to get him to do something, nadda. So I have a 3 minute video of us making noises and talking to him while he just looks around. As soon as I stopped he started again. All I could do was laugh. One day I will catch him.

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So I have a 3 minute video of us making noises and talking to him while he just looks around. As soon as I stopped he started again. All I could do was laugh. One day I will catch him.


LOL! I had to laugh at this mental image. It reminds me of a few movies where someone claimed that their critters and they could talk with each other. Yet when others were watching, the critter sat quietly as the human made a fool of themselves and were thought to be insane...... :P

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Truth there! Timber turns into a grey, stone statue when I get the camera out. I believe he would cross his eyes if he could. Same with the video, dead silence. I have gotten several clips of him jabbering away on the spycam. Video quality is bad on the recordings, but I can pick up a lot of what he says. Haaaa to the image of you and your husband making fools of yourselves! All of us other grey owners feel your pain. Been there, done that! ;)

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There is a trick to getting video of camera shy birds. Turn the camera on then place it on a stand and walk away or sit across the room. You can always edit the video later. If you have a pc Windows Movie Maker is easy to use. It isn't included in all versions of Windows but it is still a free Windows download. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/get-movie-maker-download

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There is a trick to getting video of camera shy birds. Turn the camera on then place it on a stand and walk away or sit across the room. .....[/url]


I have tried that several times. He knows what a camera is and imitates a clam very well.

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Well this morning he was chattering again and I managed to catch him saying hello, and it was only the second time he said it both this morning, and I caught him saying what ya doin. I was so excited.

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