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Harrison has become sooo nervous and jumpy


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Hey all...Harrison is a 22 month old female CAG. This past week, she's become so very nervous. If me or my husband move without telling her or kinda warning her, she jumps and flies into things. Just now, she was out on her perch and I was already standing...I turned around to get some of her food and she flew to the floor...on her way down, she hit the door of her cage with her wing. I'm afraid one of these times she's going to hurt herself...anybody have any suggestions as to why she's become so nervous?? Thanks!!



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Hi Heather,


The only thing I can think of is possibly something has changed or been added to that room or perhaps something scared her severely recently?


The other possibility of course is an underlying health issue, but I would first consider the above questions. :-)

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As Josey is only 17 months old I don't really know unless her hormones are starting to kick in, but I think it is still a little too early for her to be sexually mature. I guess that could make her a little jumpy, not used to those feeling yet.


Has anything happened recently that could account for her nervousness, something in the household could have changed and it is making her jumpy?


I can sympathize with you though for Josey has had a couple of times that it seems like out of nowhere she will take off from her playstand, but I figured it was something she detected with her sharp eyesight that I did not notice.


Maybe some of the others with older birds will have some better ideas for you.:unsure:

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Have you changed your hair style or color? Have you been wearing a new type colored clothing? Have you started wearing glasses around him? Have you added a new toy that he constantly shows fear of? Are there any card board boxes that're around him that weren't there before? Have you added any new furniture( very small or large) near him?

Check out hubby concerning the above. Most of the time CAGs are extremely leery of new things and get spooked before accepting a change/changes.

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All of the above are very possible causes. Hating to be negative, I must tell you that Quinn my male started acting spooky and flying off at the slightest sound or movement when he had low calcium levels. He kept doing this so I took him to the vet and she did a full blood panel and found this. Although his calcium is normal now he is still spooks easily. He came from a pet shop and also came with chlamydia which all my birds had to be treated for. I figured that was why he spooked so easily. I was thankful I took him to the vet. Had I ignored his behavior he would have gotten very sick. Just sharing so you can keep an eye on him.

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I have to agree with everyone else above, has there been some kind of change, do you or your hubby smell or look different? Did you rearrange the room she's in? Rearrange her cage at all? Any kind of change could be spooking her, and also I have to ditto the calcium levels, or in general having something be amiss. If she's sick, not implying she is, or maybe just isn't getting enough vitamins or something it could be that. Also take into consideration the weather changing, it could be the lack of sunlight!

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No, nothing has changed. But if it's happening because of an event, I can probably tell you the event. She flew off her perch one night and into the front door. When she flapped her wings, blood splattered all over me and the wall. Her wing hurt after that for a bit but she was ok the next day. Her cage is against a wall and near a window with the shades drawn. Nothing has changed inside or outside her cage. Thanks for the replies, I'll keep an eye on her...

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