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Escher's progress


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Well it will be 4 weeks Saturday since we got Escher and we have made lots of progress. He doesn't try to bite when we reach in his cage to get him out he says step up instead. When we bring him in the living room and put him on his play stand, if he can't see us he chirps and talks. Tuesday I heard him say Pretty Bird and What ya doin. He stopped as soon as he saw me, I was trying to video him. The only words he regularly says in front of us is step up, yes and bedtime.

I've noticed he's like my dog in that he doesn't care for bad weather. Last week, one day he was super snuggly, it was all he wanted to do, when I'd put him down he would fly back to me to snuggle. The next day we had a bad storm come through and he wanted nothing to do with us. he wouldn't even play with his toys. He'd try to bite us and he was extremely happy to go back in his cage when it was time. Well last night when I first took him out he wanted to snuggle, I put him on his play stand and he wouldn't play with his toys, then as the storm started coming through he got off his play stand got on me and started saying bedtime repeatedly. It was not his bedtime but I brought him to his cage and he calmed down.

He's starting to play with the toys in his cage a little. When we first got him I put a rope perch and the perches that came with the cage in his cage and all he wanted was the rope perch. He only got on the other perches when he was eating. Well I took the cage perches out and put in two other perches and he loves them he now splits his time between all three perches. He doesn't like swings but we are slowly working on that. I think the reason he doesn't like them is he's still having a balance problem cause of the missing toenails but he's much better than he was when we got him.

Oh and I'm excited because he still likes me best. My husband is allowed to pick him up and take him out of his cage but if Escher is on him and I walk by he picks up his wings and gets all excited chirping for me to pick him up. Sometimes I do and sometimes I leave him where he is so he learns I won't come every time he wants me

Our next project is getting him in his flight suit. It's been hanging on his play stand for a week now. Next week I'm going to start touching him with it and see how that goes.

We are soooo enjoying this edition to our house. He's such a character. He loves to drop his toys on the floor then looks at me like "so mom you gonna get it or what". If I don't immediately pick it up he gets another one plays with it a little while then drops it on the floor and I get another look.

Sorry this was such a long post.

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