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Help! Would like feedback ASAP


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I have a quick question for you guys.... this morning we woke up with Piper and everything was as normal, normal behavior, happy bird, etc. I put her in her house at 7:15 and when I went back 5 minutes later to change her water I noticed her eye was completely clouded over with blood. She wasn't in any pain and was continuing to be normal, but regardless Gabe and I took her over immediately to Stahl's and had David examine her. He said what happened was she had some trauma to her iris that may have happened a long time ago, or may have happened recently, even this morning, and caused the hyphema. Fortunately it has clotted by the time we got her over there, and he prescribed two antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory for a few days.

6 months or so ago I did notice a small red dot in her eye, but I didn't think anything of it and for the life of me I can't remember which eye it was in. I am thinking maybe this is something that happened a while ago while playing, and finally burst.

He said if it doesn't clear up in a few days then we will have to bring her back and have the avian ophthalmologist take a look at her and find out what is going on. We are all confident that this is just an injury and should clear up in the next two days....


What I wanted to ask you is if you guys have had any similar experiences, and what the outcome was? I tried looking online and really can't find anything, and all of our bird friends haven't experienced anything similar either.


Edited by mjv413
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There's' smany times that a grey will get very aggressive with hard toys such as bells. It looks violent but they're only playing even though it may scare people. They hit the toys, the toy swings back and hits the face, eyes, beak. Many times, there are red marks left on the eyes, the face but not the whole iris. The picture you posted shows that the iris is totally bloodshot. It could be a broken blood vessel, in which case an avian vet is needed. They have the tools to look behind the iris and see if there's damage. I don't know who the people are that you're referring to but I think an immediate exam of that eye is necessary. The eye may be damaged or weak especially since you've said something similar happned in the past. The red in that iris looks too unlform to be done with a bang from a toy. Have it looked at it immediately.

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I have never seen a red eye like that on a grey but Dave gave the best advice for you to take her to an avain vet to have it looked at but it looks like the vet prescribed some antibiotics and other meds, please keep us informed of her progress and hope it clears up quickly.

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Dave is the most experienced person here with Greys. It sounds like you have visited your avian vet and received a diagnosis, treatment and a timeline of it not clearing up to come back and see the avian ophthalmologist.I hope this does clear up without further ado. But, looking up hyphema and the 100% coverage you grey has of the iris. It appears to be very serious possible damage to the eye. I am hoping for the best and please keep this thread updated.

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