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Hello I'm new and a potential CAG owner...

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I'm doing my research to decide if this is the breed for me. My daughter is picking up her Indian Ringneck soon, and we have been visiting the breeder for the past 6 weeks or so. They had two CAG's there that were not quite ready to go home (though now they have) and I got to play with them each time we visited.. Of course I fell in love with them. Who could not?


However... I'm reading about them and want to make sure I'm fully prepared, if I decide to bring one home, IF my husband will let me.


I would love some input from experienced Grey owners. Here is some info on ME.

1. I have owned birds before. Grew up with parakeets, and had a quaker several years ago.

2. I work out of my home and am home ALOT.

3. I would like to learn how to take the bird with me when I go do errands, but will they let me take him/her into the store? I would imagine, like dogs, you don't want to leave them in the car.

4. I have 3 yorkies, and soon will have 4. They are indoor dogs, not neurotic and not barky. But they do like to play and fetch. I'm pretty sure I can train them pretty quickly to leave a bird alone...

5. I have no small children... but will be a grandma in the next couple years.

6. I have seasonal allergies... and I read some people get sick from CAG's. I have my allergies under control though.

7. My husband is concerned about the noise factor. He doesn't like high pitched noises (which steered me away from the caiques)

8. I want a companion to be with me as much as possible... Soon I will only have one kid left at home (of four)... Empty Nest!!


Thanks for any input! I want to know how hard they really are, as in... will I screw up the bird if I don't do everything perfectly? It's quality of life is very important to me...and I don't want to take it on if I would not be a good companion for him/her!



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Hello Deb and welcome to our family.

This would be your first grey and they are not like other birds especially the smaller ones.

Lots of us work full time so we aren't home all day but we do have our greys out as soon as we come home, lots of time out of cage is important but the quality of time is important also.

Some of us take our greys or other birds with us at times, not sure about what types of places you might be allowed to bring a bird into but just ask, they do like being with us and its a good idea to keep them accustomed to a carrier for vet visits.

Many members here have other animals in their house including dogs, cats and such but supervision is required when the bird is out of cage and the others are around for it only takes a second for something to happen.

Small children need to be kept at a distance until they learn how to behave around them but its up to you to teach them proper behavior around greys, no sticking fingers in cages and so forth, greys usually don't like being around small children because they are loud and quick moving, it makes them nervous.

Greys do have a dander but many people use air purifiers and have no problems but greys should be bathed regularly.

You can put your husband at ease about the noise as greys are some of the quietest of the parrots, they do have several times a day that they are more vocal but they tend to not be screamers.

Greys make excellent companions, they may not want to be with you every minute of the day but they like being with the flock, your family as the flock, he/she may follow you around the house as you do your daily chores and want to "help" you with it too.

Hope this has helped you some and others may chime in later with more suggestions for you.

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Hi Deb. Judy has given you excellent information so I don't have much to add. I have both a TAG and CAG and they are pretty quiet. My CAG loves to talk and will wake me up early in the AM asking to be let out. I do not find them to be noisy. I find parrots to be noisy only if they are lacking something like attention, food or wanting to know where the "flock" is. Looking forward to getting to know you.

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Thank you... I want a bird that wants to be with me... My dogs follow me around the house all day too... If I even LOOK like I'm getting up to go to another room, they are up and ready... lol. When you say several times a daythey are vocal , is it talking noise or screeching noise. Is it a morning thing or an evening thing. I read they are "one person" birds... does that mean he/she would hate and bite my hubby ? He is gone for long hours during the day (like 6 am to 7 pm).... On the weekends he's here in the mornings but then usually outside working on a project or two... The biggest factor is the noise thing... My husband makes phone calls in the evenings when he gets home (he runs his own business), and on Sunday Evenings.... But I can easily have the bird with me while that is happening... Do they tend to scream when their person leaves the house? The only time Mike is here when I'm gone is on Saturday nights when my daughter and I go to church... we leave around 6:30 and get home around 9:30... The rest of the needs I feel like are easy to take care of... I plan to take him/her from room to room with me... I really am home alot. About 2-3 times a month I have a photo session, usually here on the property and that might take 2 hours. I don't intend to get another job... my husband likes me home (Yay!)...

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I have three parrots, a cag, a tag and a zon. My greys are not screechers and my zon will give a good screech now and there but not excessively. My three follow me around the house from room to room and they have ceiling perches and boings in each room they are allowed in. I prefer that my parrots stay out of my bathrooms and office. I just close these doors or have a mesh screen in the doorway of my office. The parrots can see me at the desk from their bird room and are okay with that. The office is off limits because my TAG loves to eat keyboard keys and my canary, who is flighted lives in my office. My TAG would eat Cappy alive if she gets a hold of him. If I am on the phone, my parrots love to talk so they can be heard. If I want it quiet, I just close the door to my office. Frankly, I do not find my parrots go be a nuisance anymore than I do my grandkids when they are around.

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I read they are "one person" birds... does that mean he/she would hate and bite my hubby ? He is gone for long hours during the day (like 6 am to 7 pm).... .


As to this part of your question, that can a a crap shoot. Most of us find that our greys' have their favorite, but tolerate and develop some type of relationship with the rest of the family. This isn't always the case though. Getting a weaned, fledged baby from a breeder would probably help with that, though I'm no expert. Those of us who have rehomed know that our birds carry memories and associations (negative and positive) from their previous owner's homes that can affect their relationship with your family members.


There is a lot to think about in the other members' responses, good information. Good luck! :)

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Another question is about Allergies. I have seasonal allergies... esp to dust and cats. However I have them well under control with nasal spray and zyrtec. I stay away from cats... Since I've owned parakeets and a quaker and had no issues... do I likely have no bird dust allergy?

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Welcome and thank you, you have been given some wonderful and accurate and personal info from these good people. Like you've been told, grey can go in either direction, like you, like both, or like your husband even if he spends the least amount of time. I'm going to stick my neck out, check out our Amazon Room, a zon might be more suited in what your looking for. Thanks Jay

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I don't think you can tell if you will be allergic to bird dander because you know what your other allergies are. I.e. being allergic to cat dander doesn't mean you will or won't be allergic to bird dander. I have allergies too, but Timber's dander apparently isn't one of them.

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I don't think you can tell if you will be allergic to bird dander because you know what your other allergies are. I.e. being allergic to cat dander doesn't mean you will or won't be allergic to bird dander. I have allergies too, but Timber's dander apparently isn't one of them.

Good reply..................................Thanks

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My oldest daughter is allergic to many things and has to take shots for some. When she gets a new animal, she goes to visit the kennel, etc. to see if she is allergic to that particular cat/dog, etc. It seems not all dogs/cats, etc. give off certain dander or whatever she is allergic to. I suggest that you visit the grey you are interested in a few times to see if you are allergic to that particular grey or not.

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