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Ollie is the BEST bird!


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It's one of the most common sounds that greys make throughout their lives and thy need very stimulation to do it. You could be in another room and whistling something else and a grey will respond with any whistle that happens to be on his mind. Greys are the best whistlers in the parrot kingdom.

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"Good bird" is one Timber says a lot also. Lately I've been hearing "you're such a baaaad bird" from him. Hubby says that to him (lovingly) in a growly, such a big bad bird voice. I told him that now Timber is going to think bad means good! Ah well...

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Misty does occasionally say "Good boy Misty" or "Beautiful boy". However when he is annoyed with me because I have caged him for misbehaviour or I have taken something from him that he is about to deconstruct, he will usually call me "Horrible boy!"

I can't remember ever calling him this but I guess I must have. I first remember him calling me "Horrible boy" after I found that a quick squirt from a plant sprayer would distract him from the curious objects on a book shelf and he would fly to my shoulder uttering the words as he landed on me!


Steve n Misty

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LOL! Horrible boy is still better than "asshole" which is what we get if we displease Timber too much.


Karen, I guess you try not to displease Timber if you can for who wants to hear that, wonder who taught him that one.

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I have no idea where he learned that and I certainly don't want to hear it! Fortunately, he has only said it twice. Once to me and once to my husband. He also says "want peanut" and a few other phrases he didn't get at our house. Except for "dammit bird" the other words and phrases he came knowing are "clean." Thank God for small favors!

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