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I lost my 6 month old baby :'(


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It is with deep sorrow I hereby announce the sad demise of my beloved 6 month old T2 (African grey). He passed away last night @ 4:30 am when I woke up for him :’(


He was sick for the past 6 days & under medical treatment. It all started 6 days ago, all of a sudden our grey was very silent and not active + v hot claws. We were advised to give him panadol syrup 2 drops in the morning, evening & night. During this course of time nothing improved & we observed him shivering sometimes as well. (Droppings were normal)


Another day passed and he stopped eating by himself. He had become very weak. Now we were advised to hand-feed 30-40ml baby feed formula 3 times a day along with panadol drops. No improvement.. so we went to a local vet & he prescribed us Terramycin (Oxytetracycline) anti-biotic ( 1/4 capsule powder) twice a day (while feeding) and injected 1 ml Gentamicin (40mg) and neurobion.


As there was no positive sign of any improvement so we changed the doctor & went to another vet who enjoyed a good reputation. We told him about the past medication & everything. After examination he told us that temperature is normal & whatever disease he had was now gone due to already given anti-biotics & medicines. He then prescribed us Flagyl syrup (Benzoyl metronidazole) 2 ml in the morning & evening + ORS + Keflex drops (1/2 ml in the morning & evening) & gave him half tablet of deltacortril (white). (And asked us to give half deltacortril tablets once daily for 3 days)


This seemed too much medication but we didn't have any other option. So we started this medication, Yesterday after giving him the morning feed & medication @ 10:30am- all seemed to be well but then at 2:30 pm he did a huge vomit & all of a sudden he stopped walking. Something went wrong with his left leg. He was unable to stand properly & walk due to his left leg.


Took him to the vet again & he diagnosed fever due to some bacterial infection and gave him brufin syrup and asked us to stick to the already prescribed medication. By 10:00am we did notice that his right leg was also not working properly. Did all we could, kept him hydrated- At 1 am he went to sleep but when we woke up at 4:30am to see his condition- he was gone :’(


He was such an angel, a sweetheart, so adorable.. Would fly to my room & land on my belly every morning and would wake me up :’( When I would return back from office he would fly and sit on my shoulder.. I don’t have words.. I lost my only baby.. :’(

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Oh No!!! I am so sorry to hear this. You did all you could with the care you sought out for him. You have my heart felt condolences. I know words cannot take the pain away. The brief yet good memories and love you shared will forever live on in you.

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I am so sorry for your loss but for the short time you had him he knew he was loved and he brought much joy into your life, now you are left with the memories which you will cherish for the rest of your life, maybe one day you can open your heart to another grey.

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I am so sorry for your loss of T2. We lost our baby at nearly the same age and were stricken as we attempted to understand what happened. Even when the lab results came back with an explanation and that there was nothing we could have done to save Juno, it was of little comfort compared to the great loss of our little one. Time does soften things a bit so you can remember the joy of his life with you even though it was way too short.

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