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Photo contest: Mischievous greys


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Photo contest rules :)


This contest will be judged by which Grey's photo gets the most "THANKS" button responses. Friendly comments are totally allowed, and the contest will end when we get at least 20 different Grey photos (depending on the relative flood or trickle of submitted photos). You could enter as often as you like, but please use a different photo each time. Please also note your Grey's name and age. Thanks!


Here is our first theme: Mischievous Greys! This could mean whatever you want, but should generally refer to photos of Greys looking and acting mischievous.


One last thing- no photoshopping please! We want real, natural photos of your Greys acting mischievous. There should be plenty of opportunities to capture a few shots! ;)


Happy photo-taking!


The fine print: New as well as long-standing members are encouraged to enter the contest! I happen to be fairly new to the forum, and while given permission to be Contest Moderator, I am not infallible and am always willing to hear your questions or concerns (PM me- MoonRock). This is a friendly contest, and in the event of a tie we will determine a tie-breaker. Friendly, considerate "off-topic" comments are totally allowed, and any good photo or snapshot will be accepted. However, please embed your photos into the thread whenever possible (as opposed to providing a link) to make scrolling and viewing much easier.

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I love the idea of this contest. My trouble is my grey Corky is a little sneak and it`s hard to catch her in the act.

We came home from shopping today and found her out of her cage. Not the first time or the second and so on.

She is on cage three because of this and is on her second travel cage.

We were at my brother-in-laws house and out on the deck and she took her travel cage apart peice by piece and removed the top of the cage and got out.

She did not destroy it, just took it apart.

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OK I will go first.

This is Peanut (Grey, age 7) opening Skittles' cage so he can come out. You can see Skits in the upper left corner.

Haha, you captured Peanut in the act. I like how Skittles is waiting expectantly, as if this happens all the time! ;)
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I love the idea of this contest. My trouble is my grey Corky is a little sneak and it`s hard to catch her in the act.

We came home from shopping today and found her out of her cage. Not the first time or the second and so on.

She is on cage three because of this and is on her second travel cage.

We were at my brother-in-laws house and out on the deck and she took her travel cage apart peice by piece and removed the top of the cage and got out.

She did not destroy it, just took it apart.


What a smart cookie! And she has respect for her belongings, it sounds like. She's just a curious Houdini. ;)

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Pure Gold ...$6 a pound...Spock...helping put the produce away! :P:rolleyes:


This photo totally made me laugh out loud! How could Spock possibly stuff that much fruit into his crop?! :)

Edited by MoonRock
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I know this has been posted before but think its so cute.


Alfie ready for night cap


Is Alfie seriously "drinking" from a brand called Echo Falls?! No wonder he likes it, "Wine by and for Greys- try Echo Falls!"

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Gus is opening the others cage doors now also, but just the food doors. He tosses his food out of his cage but enjoys the food in the others! Gesh!

Here is Gabby, she is into everything. However getting the photo is a trick as she will attack anything electronic, i have lost many layers of skin trying!


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And another great past time, the making of dribble cups ( or cans ).She doesn't drink it, just likes to make the little holes in the can to keep the hubby on his toes wondering if he really drank so much that he can't make it in his mouth anymore! This time she didn't wait for him to set the can down and we got her in the act!


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Thank you for all the GREYT photo submissions, folks! Keep 'em coming!


Announcement: I have come up with some fabulous, but for now secret, titles you can earn if you come in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in the photo contest. I just have to run them by Talon. There will also be an honorable mention title (again, once approved by Talon). They are fun, descriptive titles that will capture the spirit of your very own Mischievous Grey!


Happy photo-taking!

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK folks, I am finally going to tally up the "Thanks" this evening and will announce our winners very soon. Be sure to hit the thanks button for your favorite photos, and submit any last minute photo contest photos to this thread: Mischievous Greys!

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