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Another Nilah Story


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One of Nilah's favorite spots, one that changes her whole outlook for the day is hanging out in front of an open window.....doesnt matter the temp...she just LOVES it!


My daughter thought it would be cute if Nilah would yell.." HELLO WORLD, THIS IS NILAH!!" (in a hpyy excited tone), well she started saying it to her last week...so far, Nilah has the first part...Hello World!"


The other day, Talon & Rikki for the first time got into a fight over a kitchen cupboard that Talon opened above the miccrowave...Rikki wanted it, Talon wasnt giving up either. I had Nilah on my shoulder in the bird room getting their water bowls to bring to the kitchen, I heard them start to fight, then Talon squawk, and I yelled at them, They were still fighting and I was running frantically into the ktichen and at the same time yelling "Stop it, Talon, Rikki, Stop" over and over I guess....cause now Nilah yells, the same thing over and over, and every once in a while changes her tone and throws in a "Hello World!" It sounds quite funny.....

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