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Bringing Merlin Home


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Hi All,


First off, thanks so much for your kind words regarding Merlin and myself. :cheer: I'm sure anyone would have done the same thing I did in my position!

I have a couple questions about bringing Merlin home.

1) Do you think I should replace his cage from the apartment he lived in where he was not being taken care of(bad memories) OR do you think his cage would be somewhere he feels safe and it would help his recovery? It is a VERY large, nice cage. You can see part of it in the picture I've attached. Maybe new toys?


2)I have a cat and she can't reach my other birds. Merlin's gigantic cage is on the floor. How much interaction should I allow between them? I will

separate them when I'm away from home.


3)Any food ideas to keep him gaining weight would be fantastic! I will still be handfeeding him in the AM and PM until he is back to a normal weight. merlin.jpg


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Hello Stephanie, I think if he seems fine in the cage then leave it, he probably feels it is his home and his safe place, as long as he is confortable with it, fine.


Introduce the cat and Merlin slowly and never leave them alone while he is out of the cage. The cat may surprise you and not be too interested in the bird but as long as Merlin is out of his cage supervise closely.

Eventually they will learn to co-exist but while they are out watch things carefully, and don't be surprised if it is the cat that has to watch out for Merlin and not the other way around.


As far as getting some weight on, feed him all he wants and offer more seeds for the time being, they tend to put on more weight, then you can cut back later.

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Hi Stephan,


I think you should keep the Cage due to it being the only safe familiar place of safety he knows, as you indicated.


Just watch the Cat - Grey interaction and referee it. You do not want one Cat scratch on your Grey, it could be lethal from the Bacteria contained in those claws that just scratched around in the litter box. :-)


Many use the "Bountiful Weaning" method. Offer him all types of veggies, fruits, bean mixes etc. through out the day. It will encourage him to try and find various items he likes and then you can capitalize on those in nursing his weight along.

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You know I never put it in my taming youtube video, but a syringe and grey baby formula works well for bonding esp with older greys and new owners.


Gives you a easy approach (through the cage) at bonding and takes the bird back to the memories of being hand raised (in theory) and of course makes sure they get good nutrition which will fatten him up and make him healthy.


Also peanuts with the fat content will help. I know Tui seems to love Apple cider Vinagar in apple juice which is a health tonic for humans and pets http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/acvinegar.html


but as the site says it has to be real stuff from a health food store not from a supermarket, and I dilute her does down more than my dose. Oh a by the by, add baking soda to the ACV just incase the acid causes some stomach issue with Merlin<br><br>Post edited by: Zarlock, at: 2007/10/19 16:16

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I think the cage is a good size, and I have to say when I rescued my greys from bad homes I switched their cages immediately, and instantly noticed a difference in their demeanor with me. Granted it could have been because they just got a new home, but I think it's better to get all the new change out of the way from the very start, I even renamed mine, so that they didn't associate any sights, or hear anything that reminded them of their hellish pasts!


And I tell you what, both my "mean, untamed birds" give me kisses everynight before bed now!

As far as fattening tem up, macadamia nuts are spendy but full of good fat for birds. You could also add peanut butter to the baby formula to fatten em up, and a fantastic way to premote bonding! You can also use baby like gerber food for them too for a yummy treat!

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I was told to help with weight gain, to feed nuts like pistashios, cashews, peanuts, almonds, walnuts and pine nuts, just make sure the all come in RAW form. No bleeching or roasting, and of course mixed with veggies, fruits, and pellets.

I hope you've done all the reading on feeding with a seringe, the temp ... not getting it in the wrong whole etc!

I got Darla from a bad home, and after 8 months or so now, she is giving kisses and has tried to feed me several times now. The ultimate sign of love!

Good luck.

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