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help needed pls!


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It all started 6 days ago, all of a sudden our grey was very silent and not active + v hot claws. We were advised to give it panadol syrup 2 drops in the morning, evening & night. During this course of time nothing improved & we observed it shivering sometimes as well. (Droppings were normal)


Another day passed and it stopped eating by itself. It had become very weak. Now we were advised to hand-feed it 30-40ml baby feed formula 3 times a day along with panadol drops. No improvement.. so we went to a local vet & he prescribed us Terramycin (Oxytetracycline) anti-biotic ( 1/4 capsule powder) twice a day (while feeding) and injected 1 ml Gentamicin (40mg) and neurobion.


As there was no positive sign of any improvement so we changed the doctor & yesterday went to another vet who enjoys a very good reputation over here. We told him about the past medication & everything. After examination he told us that temperature is normal & whatever disease it had is now gone due to already given anti-biotics & medicines. He then prescribed us Flagyl syrup (Benzoyl metronidazole) 2 ml in the morning & evening + ORS + Keflex drops (1/2 ml in the morning & evening) & gave it half tablet of deltacortril (white). (And asked us to give half deltacortril tablets once daily for 3 days)


This seem too much over medication but we didn't hv any other option. Last night we started this medication. Today after giving it the morning feed & medication @ 10:30am- all seemed to be well but then at 2:30 pm it did a huge vomit & all of a sudden it stopped walking. Somethings wrong with the left leg. It is unable to stand properly & walk due to it's left leg.


Other details are as under;


weight: 0.46 kg

age: 6 months


We're v much worried now & taking it to the doc again but we don't have any specialized avian vets overhere. Let's see what he has to say & do BUT we would highly appreciate if any one of you can HELP us with regards to ANY SORT OF INFORMATION / GUIDANCE that can assist us in proper treatment & recovery.


Also attaching current pictures for reference.




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I am so sorry. Did they find out why??

I personally think "they" are the ones responsible for his death by giving wrong medication but i go cool once i read other parrot stories & that in most cases they die the same way my one died. Be it with medicine or without.. There could be a 100 reasons why he died but surely these symptoms go common in most african greys aged in-between 4-8 months before they leave this world.


May God give me the courage to keep another african grey but before that i intend to go to the bottom of this-


What is this disease that starts with lethargic behavior? hot claws? lack of appetite? Fluffed feathers? Is it always incurable and deadly that in most cases it gets worse leaving the parrot losing his legs one by one and then sudden death?


Why do most 4-8 months grey die like this? What could be the reason? Vitamin A,D or Calcium deficiency? Malnutrition? Zinc or Lead poisoning? Egg Yolk Peritonitis? Nerve damage? Stroke? PDD? Pulmonary sarcocystosis ?? Any other disease?


I know the only true reason was that his time had come but for the sake of knowledge I ask. One more thing that I noticed was some sort of fluid exuded from his mouth when I lifted his dead body- Any indications.. what could be the reason & why ?



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It could have been any number of things but the only way to know for sure would be having a necropsy performed and that has to happen soon after death so it is too late now but it had nothing to do with anything you did or didn't do. I am glad you are keeping yourself open to the possibility of owning another grey, maybe you will find a rescue or rehome.

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