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alex my african grey

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Hi everyone I am new to the forum my name is Beth. I'm hoping one of you may be able to help. I have a14 yr old male. He started scratching his neck face and head to the point that he has made bald spots. I have taken him to 3 different doctors 2 of which are certified avian vets. No one knows I.am so upset to see my once so handsome gray look this way

I feel helpless that I can't help him. I have had quite a few tests done all negative except a slightly elevated wbc @14,000. I recently brought him to one Dr who gave him an antibiotic which didn't work so we switched to fluconazole thinking it may be fungal. I think it really disagrees with him. I than brought him to Dr Lori hess who is supposed to be one of the best in the country. She said stop the fungal med bc she didnt think it was fungal related.she gave him medicam and wanted him.on.that for a week. He only had 3 doses of the fungal med when she saw him . But as of that night he stopped scratching kind of a coincidence. He was back to himself. A week later it started again. I thought maybe the fungal med maybe was working and I discontinued it so he is back on and turns into a different bird. I am showering him spraying him.w aloe doing everything and anything I could. Please anyone if u had ever had this problem contact me. I am sick over this. I just want him better. Thanks everyone

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Welcome. So sad that you are having this problem. I wouldn't even dare to suggest that I am an expert on greys at all ... I've only had mine 1 1/2 years. One thing for sure ...try your best not to convey your distress over this situation to your bird! If he sees or senses you fussing it could get much worse. It is hard, because it is upsetting to see that deterioration, but eventually I hope you get to the bottom of the problem. Others may have different opinions on this, but I know for me, if I focus on something I don't like or don't want, my birds seem to think it is great fun to do it more! They also sense my emotions and if I'm down, it is hard on them too.

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Hi Beth and welcome to the grey forum.

Some times time is needed with medication and I know you want the best for your grey. It`s best not to be in a rush when your vet is trying to find out what`s wrong.

We would love to see pictures of Alex

Edited by Ray P
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Hi Beth and welcome to the grey forum.

Some times time is needed with medication and I know you want the best for your grey. It`s best not to be in a rush when your vet is trying to find out what`s wrong.

We would love to see pictures of Alex


This is very true!

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