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Confused Grey??


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Bongo cracks me up! If he ever slips up and shows me affection, i get the cold shoulder for days! We have a friend that Bongo just loves, he hasn't been to the house though for a few months but came by last week. Bongo got on his shoulder and just played. I had walked by and Bongo lowered his head to me, rubbed on my face with his then gave me a big kiss with sound! Now he won't come near me and lightly nips me every chance he gets. Its like he realized, crap, i showed her i can be sweet now i gotta change that!

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Funny! Timber does similar with my husband. Saturday when he was on my arm, hubby came by and scratched his head (the first time he has allowed that). The rest of the weekend he went out of his way to try to get a bite of Gary's clothes every time he went by. It's like "oh yeah, I forgot I don't like you." Honestly, their relationship is improving a lot, so we are all happy about that!

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Oh good! It happens in other people's houses too :-)) A few weeks ago my wife was able to get Ivan to step up and she got to pet the neck. The next day with her copious confidence she reached for him and came away with broken skin!! She has yet to recoup from that day and has since referred to Ivan as a 'rat with wings'. Nice Ivan, way to go!

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