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I need help with a huge problem in my house regarding Nilah. It started around a year ago, whenever my daughter who at the time was 19, had her boyfriend over, Nilah who gets very obsessive over the boyfriends..would attack my daughter if she went anywhere near her and the boyfriend. It wasn't every time, just occassionally. Well, now she will attack her more often, some times, she sits with my daughter as happy as could be, she likes my daughter to massage her foot. Other times she goes after her, latches on but only when she is up and won't let go.....it's very upsetting.


And no, it isn't what she is wearing or her reactions ect.....I've racked my brain with all those things......my daughter is very upset, as am i, she feels like she can't even walk around in her own house unless Nilah is in her cage or sitting quietly with me.....I need some advice on what to do.....:(

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Jay, that makes perfect sense, and I understand that, but it isn't always the case. Today for example, she hadn't seen her boyfriend, and was wearing clean running clothes as we ran our first mother/daughter 5k together, twice she has attacked her when she walked into the kitchen to thornton I have to almost swat her off, it's terrible, hair and wings flying....I'm trying to seperate the two......

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Hi Penny. This is just an observation of Cricket over the past 4 years.

Now she is in season and at her peak that will drop off very quickly.

In the past as she peaks she will lunge at Corky when they are together weather I am there or not, but never me. She is always sweet around me.

Mating season will start some time in December but most of that seams to be foreplay until about late March and into April when they get serious.

Right now Cricket is at the peak of her mating ritual acts.

I know Nilah is a little young for this as far as mating goes but it may be just part of jumping through the hoops into adulthood.

If this is the case than things should get better in about two weeks or so.

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Thank you all for the advice.


I think you are onto something Ray. I know people say she is too young for sexual behavior, but she has been exhibiting it since last springtime. So I feel that is why this is at its worst now. Today, I kept a very close eye on her whenever my daughter is around. We have a tube that she is incredibly fearful of, so I keep it next to my daughter at all times. I did try and distract her whenever she got that look in your eye.....the nice things about amazons is you can always tell what they are thinking, so I was able to have her step p and move her interest onto something else.

After work, I went to the Dollar store and bought some tacky decorations to hopefully scare her off. One is a heart shaped tinsel thing to hang on a wall, i put it on my daughter head while she watched tv....you should have seen us at the dinner table, my daughter sitting at the table with a sparkly tinsel heart shaped crown on her head, and the rest of us looking so plain and undecorated...:)


I know, one day at a time.......

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Right on, Salsa started hers at two years old, this is very common, All the other Zons we've worked with started at 2-3 years old.. In my heart of hearts I hope Ray's correct....Thanks Ray.... Jay

Edited by Jayd
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Jay I have no reason to get upset with you or anyone. I asked for help, and love all the responses I get, whether I agree or not, they help me think at things from all angles.


I must say, many times, what I write is so quick and misleading as I am at work sneaking things in. I didnt explain well the scarey tube in my house. This is a play tube about 4" long that is a noise maker. It was a present my son recieved as a present many years ago. when you tip it from one end to the next, it makes a funny sound....it has been broken for about a year and it is just an empty cardboard tube now. It is ble with yellow strips. It is the only thing in my house that will keep Nilah away from the "forbidden" items, such as the coffee beans in my expresso maker, I put it near the stove when I am cooking to keep her away from the burners until they are cooled, things like that. It is only used when necessary for the safety of her or others...sometimes I put it near the door when someone goes in or out so she won't come near it as well.


She isnt so fearful of it that she won't come within 5 feet of it, she just stays away from you if you hold it. SO, hopefully that helps. ON those 2 days when I saw that NIlah wanted to attack my daughter, I put it on the couch next to her knowing NIlah wouldnt bother her. Much of the time, she wants my daughter to rub her foot.....but right now...I have a house FULL of 4 female birds...let's just say, there is a lot of fighting over certain spots abouve my cabinets going on.......I am on constant watch when they are out lately...but I know this too shall pass. I have had to take some things awasy that they were fighting over.......jeez..FEMALES!!! I dont know how you men put up with us...:)

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Jay my friend, you are not wrong. We are trying to help a member by sharing what we know to help them along.

Good advice comes from many directions.

Sorry, didn't mean i was wrong in my reply but that I read too much into it and misunderstood.. Thanks Jay

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Jay, all you post is helpful to many of us. Stand by your convictions & beliefs. Stop worrying about hurting others feelings or upsetting anyone.......sometimes we need to be set straight, or to see things from an outsiders perspective so that we may become better parronts. I believe you and many are helpful in this matter. After all, thats why we have this forum to help each others and see ourselves and what we are doing thru others eyes. Keep it up my dear friend. we need you,

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Oh my take a couple of days off from the Forum and all H E L L breaks out. Frankly, I have nothing to offer because I have 5 year old male zon who is a sweetheart. Perhaps your daughter and Nilah could have a little talk. Sterling my 2 year old CAG decided he was going to attack my oldest daughter. Dive bombing and all. Donna swatted at him and told him where he stood in her book and refused to have anything to do with him. Needless to say, being ignored to a grey or zon brings out the curiosity. They hate to be ignored. Besides that my oldest in the pistachio factory. You want one, she has them.


The more I hear about Nilah the more I would like to meet this little demon. Maybe some day.

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