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Just joined. I am owned by a 41 year old female Timneh African Grey, an 8 year old female Jenday Conure, a 10 year old male? Maroon Bellied Conure, 2 female Bourke's Parakeets, 3 dogs, loads of chickens and a few ducks. I also have a very patient and animal loving husband. ;-) I am wanting to learn lots about all of my animals in order to provide them with good health, happiness, an active life and lots of love and affection. (My chickens and ducks are all pets with names too. ;-) I'm excited about getting to know all of you.

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Hello Lady Pym and welcome to our family.

You are owned by a lot of creatures but I bet it is a lot of fun as you spend your time with them, you will have to tell us all their names especially the Tag. Don't forget to share some pictures of your Tag and all your other birds if you like, we have an other birds room, even for different species, as you can tell we love pictures here.

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I had thought I had changed my profile picture to a picture of my Lady Pym, but it doesn't seem to be here, I'll have to work on that. Will post pictures soon. Thank you for the lovely welcome ;-)


I have had my Maroon Bellied Conure for over 8 1/2 years ... he was rehomed when he was 15 months by a woman who's 'boyfriend did not like her bird'. He's a feisty little guy, but a great one too. He's my 'curmudgeon'. ;-) Unfortunately, in his first home he learned a lot of 'bad words' and even though he doesn't hear them at our place, he has remembered them and mutters them when he's excited or annoyed about something. In all that time I've told him I love him every single day and just 1 month ago he said it back to me for the first time. He is much more interested in naughty dramatic words ... ;-) One funny story is that his name is Pinza. (He came with the name.) My husband sometimes called him 'Pinhead' .... until one day when Pinza looked my husband right in the eye and said, "Good morning, Pinhead!" ... That was the end of that! LOL!


The Jenday Conure I have had for a 1 1/2 years. She was an SPCA bird. She is a lovely cuddle bug, but she is so loud! I guess I understand why most people wouldn't want a screamer like that in their home. She is so beautiful, and we are used to her drama. She is our 'alert bird' who tells me when there are ravens in the yard bothering the chickens, and when someone is coming to the house. She does this well in advance of the 3 dogs in the house. In fact, they tend to listen to her alerts and then go and check them. Of course, she likes to have fun with the dogs too ... at times she makes her alert sound then turns around and watches the fun as the dogs run up to the window and start barking. ;-)


My Timneh African Grey I have also had for 1 1/2 years now. We don't know for sure that her age is 41, but she is definitely a senior bird. Her age has been determined based on length of time she has spent in various homes. Her former owner has researched her past in depth. I am her 9th home. This will be her last one though, I could NEVER part with any of my birds or other pets! She is very gentle and sweet. She never nips or bites (although there are times when she wants attention that she will tug on my hair! That results in her leaving my shoulder, or the back of the couch as I don't want that behaviour to be reinforced.) She is not much of a talker, which I think is why she has been rehomed so often. For me, I'd rather have a sweet and gentle bird than one that talks up a storm, even though that is also wonderful. She does say some things and has learned new things since being with me, but it is not my biggest priority. Her passion is to sing and invent songs, and we whistle to each other most of the time to stay in contact. She learns melodies quite quickly and then will switch them up adding her own variations. I do know that when her former owner first got her she had been kept in a dog kennel and had been fed rabbit pellets. She was in pretty sad shape and near death. She only had her one mirror and bell for company. Her former owner brought her back to excellent shape. She has been well cared for for at least 14 years now. She is not a plucker so she has all of her beautiful feathers still intact. Her former owner still loves her and wishes she could be with her still, but due to some very unfortunate circumstances it was the best decision that she is now with me. Even though she is now 'mine' we still keep in contact with each other and I will always consider Lady Pym 'our bird'. I was surprised how quickly Lady Pym bonded to me and adjusted to her new environment. I feel she is very well adjusted because she takes new things in stride and just seems very relaxed about most changes. I feel so lucky to have her and all of the other birds in my life. ;-)

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Wow again. Lady Pym sounds like a very sweet baby. The tugging at your hair may be just an attempt to preen you, as she would another Grey. I know both mine do it at certain times. It is wonderful that she now has a forever home. I understand the loudness of your Jenday. Like a Sun, they are very loud. I got my Sun because of his loud screams and his nippyness.

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Hmmm ... could be she is preening ... but, I think it is her cheeky side coming out ... when my MBC preens me it doesn't hurt! Ha, ha ;-) If she was pulling, but not actually yanking it out, but, I am still new to greys, so maybe I'm wrong. She just looks cheeky when she does it. ;-)

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Wrong place for this post ... but ... I have uploaded my photo that I would like to use as my Avatar to my profile. It shows when I look at my profile. However, it seems to be 'stuck' on not showing the avatar to anyone else. I have tried to edit my avatar and change the setting, but it won't respond to my changes. It is like that particular part of the edit profile is locked. Any suggestions?

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