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Jellybean update....


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Day 77 or so in my husband's deployment and we settled into a nice routine;

Jellybean knows he will be out of his cage around 3 or 4 pm until bed time. I clean his cage and get dinner ready for him.

Another routine is that I work out almost every day. I am doing a 90 day program and the warm up is always the same. Jellybean will mouth almost every word.

Then today, a new thing; he is making the "ch" sound, over and over and over. Since I am German the sound makes sense, and I do watch German news every morning and other shows during the week that are German. It is a "sh"sound in the back of the throat.

So he started that today and repeated, morning and again tonight.

I just wonder what he is thinking. I wish I could "pick his brain"


I can not lie; I would love for him to talk. I think that is what I am hoping for.

If not I spend the rest of his/my life trying to figure out what he is trying to say:)

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Timber talks quite a bit and I'm still trying to figure out what he's trying to say, at least some of the time! The first time you hear a word or phase it is often garbled, much like a toddler. As time goes by it gets clearer and clearer and then you can make it out. Timber still says a few things I don't get. I'd love to be able to "pick their brains" too! I think there is a lot more going on in there than even we believe, and that is saying something!

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Jellybean is definitely calibrating and practicing. We spent 5 years in Würzburg Germany when I was in the 69th Air Defense Battalion 1972 to 1977. In fact our youngest son was born there. Anyway, I do remember how much the "ch" sound was very pronounced in many of the words. So it makes sense it is that sound being picked up so readily by Jellybean. He is well on his way to talking! :) Thanks for this update, I wold love to hear them more often, along with photos and videos of him.

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