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charlie's 1st day in the garden making friends already

charlie boy

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well for the first time this year we had a nice sunny day saturday just gone, so i wheeled charlies cage out in to the garden ;)


he loved it :) after he first figured out why his toys and mirror were moving on there own with the bit of wind haha


it was warm enough yesterday aswell so out he comes while i was sorting out my veg garden deciding on GREY only veggies this year lol.


well we have a wood pidgeon that nests on top of our security light which is directly above where i stand charlies cage, well charlie spotted it and the pidgeon spotted charlie and for an hour or so they were just making noises to each other haha it was quite funny to watch as the pidgeon got closer landing on the shed whilst making his/her sound then charlie whistling back and clicking at it, i go inside to do something and low and behold when i come back out there are now 2 wood pidgeons lol


he quickly makes friends out the garden :cool:


and i could of swore he tried to say something yesterday when he was in the garden :confused: the mrs was hanging out the washing at the end of the garden and he said something what caught her attention lol, i never quite heard it but the mrs was sure he said something :)


well fingers crossed we get alot more sun as its raining today :(

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Good for Charlie. He probably will be making expert Wood Pigeon sounds now. It is fun taking them outside isn't it?


haha he probably will as it was back again the other day when he was outside but only it was sat on next doors security light, i think this is going to be regular thing with them, he loves it outside now :)

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