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My BF Zon, hello to all, new member


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My ~9 years-old BFA, has been with me almost all his life, bonded to me only, hates all the rest of my family unfortunately, have flown away twice (had forgotten re-clipping the wings), one time i took him down from a tall pine-tree with a broomstick, the other time i heard him screaming after 8-days of loss, followed the scream, and gave a generous tip to the person who had captured and gave him back to me....otherwise, we just adore each other...











Edited by Constantine
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I just saw your post in the intro room and now I can welcome you to the Amazon room.

My Cricket is a rehome and is a very loving little girl.

As soon as I know your zons name I will add it to the list of Honored amazons of the grey forum.

You have a great looking zon.

Just to let you know we have a number of zonners on this board

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thank you all for your warm welcome....it' s been a great surprise that other people as well would be Zon/Grey owners!!!...Zon's name is Moyo... I havent established whether Moyo is a he or a she (kinda difficult in Greece, i would have to send samples abroad ), but i seriously suspect that Moyo is a she, she just hates and being jealous of everyone/everything female!!!!



After popular demand, i ve taken many photos of Moyo the Zon and Aris the Grey, you can all browse them here:



Edited by Constantine
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