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Adopted A Grey!


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Hi! I'm Tania from NJ, and I adopted my first Grey on Saturday - Lola!


We are in an area that was hit very hard by hurricane Sandy, and many pets lost their homes and were displaced. Lola's owner lost her home and moved into a town house with her mom, and two younger brothers. She is also going to college in the fall, and did not want to leave the responsibility on her mom who is dealing with their displacement from their home.


So, I adopted her. Lola (formerly known as Roxy, but that's also my dog's name..) is a 2 year old grey who is a primadonna. She has been settling in ok, and allows m to scratch her neck occasionally. She will take food from my hand, as well as my family members.


She doesn't step-up to any of us yet, although at her old home she did.


She only likes seeds, and peanuts, although I am Trying to switch her to a pellet diet... I'm not sure it's working though.


I am also keeping a blog with our adventures, mistakes, progress, and learning. I figure it'll serve as a learning source for other new "parronts" to learn from what has worked, and NOT worked, for me!


Pictures of my girl can be found at:




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Hello and welcome. Mix the pellets with a few seeds to start out. She may decides she likes the new 'seeds'. I see you are already doing this. LOL I would go with the smaller pellets, my TAG will not eat the larger ones either. So I buy Roudybush mini for all my guys.

Unless there is a draft or a lot of traffic in her sleep area, she may not need to be covered. Mine haven't been since I moved them to a big cage - it is too big for me to cover.

She is adorable. Go easy on the peanuts. Push veggies. Fruits are not most Greys favorite foods. Mine like raspberries and blueberries and the juice of watermelon - not the meat, just the juice. LOL

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I think her pellets may be too big! Will roudybush bush mini work for a CAG?


Her cage is in the living room, with TV, and usually a person or two until close to midnight. I wake up at 530, so would like Lola to get some sleep before 12AM! This is like suddenly being the parent to a rebellious 5-year old! I already adore her!

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Yes, she most likely will need to be covered in that case.

I think any pellet they will eat is the right size for them. Since she is still a young bird I would keep it small.

I always tell people I have three perpetular toddlers. Mine must be younger than your 4 or 5 year old! LOL

They so easily steal your heart.

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Hello, Welcome and thank you for the re-home. Lola doesn't need to change to a pellet diet as long as you try to feed her fresh veggies etc. Keep the seeds in the cage 24/7 (about 1/2 cup and change or add seeds as needed). Seed mix should be sunflower-less, sometimes called safflower parrot mix. If it does have sunflower seeds, pick them out and use them strictly as a treat...about three tablespoons a day (treat only). Keep a small bowl of assorted pellets and keep filled. In the morning and afternoon, give her fresh veggies in this order: Dark Green leafy veggies (Kale, dandelion greens, beet tops, carrot tops, etc), broccoli, a carrot stick cut in a couple of pieces (lightly steamed if you wish)...to this add a sugar snap pea, a fresh string bean or two, red or yellow pepper or sweet or hot peppers (jalapeno etc. ) (this list is not inclusive-check out the complete list at ) Legumes, a few chickpeas, black-eyed peas (cooked) etc. Do not feed any large beans such as lima, fava, pinto, garbanzo beans, etc. unless they are over-cooked. One walnut and one almond a day provides healthy nutrients. We advise and suggest you look into red palm oil. There are many threads about this on this forum and where to get it. When it comes to fruit, a small grape, a chunk of apple or orange every few days is all a Grey needs...stay away from too much fruit. Lola will waste and she will pick out what she likes...patience is the key. Any cooked food needs to be removed within two to three hours. Fresh veggies and seeds are far more important and healthy than a pellets-only diet. Do not use colored pellets or fruit flavored pellets. A lot of Greys like ZuPreme Nut Blend and Natural Blend, Harrison's and Roudy Bush pellets. Once again, Rome was not built in a day. The food process will take time, possibly years. As a reminder, no peanuts in the shell unless it is human-grade, roasted with no sodium. Thanks, Jayd and Spock (Maggie)


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Hello Tania and welcome to our family.

So glad you could open your home and your heart for Lola and she sounds like a delightful grey, she just needs time to settle into her new home so over the next few weeks and months be very patient with her as this process takes time.

Pellets are not necessary for their health if you feed a varied fresh diet with plenty of vegetables, there is a thread in the bird food room that lists vegetables and fruits you can offer, be sure to fix them in different ways to see which way she prefers them and even if she doesn't touch them right now eventually she may try them.

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I think her pellets may be too big! Will roudybush bush mini work for a CAG?


Her cage is in the living room, with TV, and usually a person or two until close to midnight. I wake up at 530, so would like Lola to get some sleep before 12AM! This is like suddenly being the parent to a rebellious 5-year old! I already adore her!

Lola needs 11-12 hours of sleep, quiet dark sleep, a cover can proved security in case of light flashes. It would be more healthy to put her or a sleeping cage into another room. A grey over time with improper sleeping conditions can develop mental and physical problems. Peanut's and nuts are esential to a Greys diet, they provide EFA's, [Essential Fatty Acid's] where they can get them no where else, Limit any fatty food. Size of pellets is of no concern, it only depends on what your Grey likes, and please limit watermelon [sorry], that's all it is is water ans sugar. when you feed a parrot fruit or high sugar content foods, they'll eat them instead of the proper foods the need, remember, fruits flush their system leaving no nutrients behind, like a person with anorexia. Thanks and sorry.

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Lola hates fruits and veggies. She would live on seeds and peanuts if she could! She nibbled some broccoli today, and had a small bit of egg yesterday.


I will keep trying with the fresh food! We had a breakthrough Tonight. I was giving her some good night scratches and she jumped out of her cage onto my arm. She is currently snuggled on my lap! So much for bed time!


I am going to smash the pellets into smaller bites, that may be better for her. They are colorful zupreems...all that was available at Petsmart. I am ordering roudybush as we speak. She prefers to bite and toss all fruits and veggies I offer her. It'll be an uphill battle!


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It will happen, just relax and enjoy! I do kinda agree a sleep cage in another room, a cover only puts her in the dark, doesn't keep the noise out. As far as pellets go, it took Bongo a year to eat them, i offered every day though throughout that time. We did the same, buying by size, flavor etc, what it boils down to is really leaving it for a bit, they gotta get use to it before they decide if they like it. Zupreem nut blend, the veggie blend and big roudybush mixed together is their fav. My guys and girl all have their seed mix and pellets 24-7, they get breakfast of a little fruit, egg, peanut butter on their bread ( whatever the mood ). Dinner everynight, usually whatever we have they get. That started because when we first got this family, they spent more time on our plates than our forks did! Yes, they toss their food, even if they loved it yesterday, today it becomes a toy.

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Lola hates fruits and veggies. She would live on seeds and peanuts if she could! She nibbled some broccoli today, and had a small bit of egg yesterday.


I will keep trying with the fresh food! We had a breakthrough Tonight. I was giving her some good night scratches and she jumped out of her cage onto my arm. She is currently snuggled on my lap! So much for bed time!


I am going to smash the pellets into smaller bites, that may be better for her. They are colorful zupreems...all that was available at Petsmart. I am ordering roudybush as we speak. She prefers to bite and toss all fruits and veggies I offer her. It'll be an uphill battle!


Thank you, once again, colorful pellts can cause unknown medical problem, it's best not to feed. One of the most important aspects of care-taking [owning] a Grey is setting up a routine, starting with bed time's. Extra hard boiled egg's washed and scrubbed with white vinegar, should only be given a small amount a couple of times a week. You just have to bite the bullet and stick with what you start. What your experiencing has been felt by every member here. Lola's beak will get no larger, she' full size, it's perferance not food size, some of our fid's eat only a whole carrot, others only a small chopped piece..............Thank you

Edited by Jayd
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How big should the sleep cage be? Any toys? Just perches?


She is home alone for most of the day from about 9-230, in her cage. (Dogs are in their crates.) does that count as "sleep hours?"


We have a pretty busy household, so I am worried about her sleep quality.

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How big should the sleep cage be? Any toys? Just perches?


She is home alone for most of the day from about 9-230, in her cage. (Dogs are in their crates.) does that count as "sleep hours?"


We have a pretty busy household, so I am worried about her sleep quality.

Thank You, no, daytime hours are rest time, which a Grey needs also. As far as a sleep cage goes, as large as you can get, http://www.petsolutions.com/C/Large-Bird-Cages-Greys-Amazons-Sm-Cockatoos/I/Parrots-Square-Roof-Cage.aspxlater . You keep a simple toy or two, water/seed/pellets. A Grey rises and lives by sunrise/sunset. Thank you.

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I am going shopping today for some veggies for my picky eater.


Offered her some broccoli this morning, and she tossed it. Tried a grape - she'd rather not. A little bit of apple, was a no go. The only thing she has yet to refuse is a sunflower seed, and peanuts.


I offered her some sweet potato baby food, as I fed my niece yesterday, and she was insulted.


... So I mixed some seed in with her crushed pellets before leaving for work. Hopefully some pellets make it into her digestive tract, so she isn't living solely on seed.


I've also ordered some roudybush, and hope that she will take to that better than the zupreems. (Plus I don't want her eating colored pellets, but it was all that was available.)

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Another way you can try to get her to try some vegetables is to eat some yourself in front of her, let her see you eat it and enjoy it, sometimes thats all it takes is for them to see you enjoy eating food in front of them and they have to have it too. The important thing is to keep trying, just because she tosses it today, tomorrow and into next week or month, she may eventually try some and like it.

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I think you are stressing to much over the seed peanut thing. Just keep offering fresh stuff, if she is taking it from your hand and tossing it, it could really turn into a game for her so put it in a bowl after showing her how yummy this food is and walk away and let her explore it on her terms. Sometimes we over act and in return teach them bad habits. Your in for months of reteaching, if not years so just relax! You can't move a mountain over night, it takes time, a shovel full at a time! Keep in mind that this is ALL new to her, her life as she knew it has changed and she is the one having to start over. If you have read anything about greys than you understand even the sight of a new toy scares the poop out of most of them no matter how long we have lived with them! :-)

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Welcome to you and your new charge. Isn't it amazing how fast they can steal your heart and become your focus? I agree that she needs a sleep cage. In my experience, if they're not getting a good nights sleep all other progress is slowed. I would look to see what kind of perch she likes most, be it rope, manzanita, java, and put that in the sleep cage for her. Add a small food and water dish, a bell so that she can summon her servants, and maybe a small preening or shredding toy that she can use to self-soothe and wind down with. Put the cage in a room that can stay dark and quiet. Dorian's cage is in my office/music room, which means after he's in bed I don't have access to my PC or my printer, but with wifi and a tablet that's not a big deal.


Your morning routine will depend on who can move her. If she will only come with you, you could get her out of her sleep cage in the morning and put her in her main cage. If you offer her anything cooked, there will have to be someone else in the house to take it out of the cage after a couple of hours, like Jayd recommended. If she will let someone who gets up later transfer her to the big cage that would be ideal, because you could put her to bed a little later. With a 5:30 wake time, that makes her bedtime rather early. It's normal for a grey to not want to step-up from inside the cage. There's no shame in a little bribery. Maybe put a treat dish and a perch on the outside of the cage. Once she is out it will be easier to get her onto either your arm or a portable perch and move her that way into the big cage. Or, until step-ups are in place, you may have to pick up the whole sleep cage and place it on the floor next to the big cage. Again, put a treat in her food dish, then let her move herself. IMHO, the sleep routine is one of the most important things to work on right now. A sleep deprived grey is less resilient to changes and much harder to work with. Once she becomes used to getting a full nights sleep she will probably start demanding to be put to bed. They seem to have more built in good sense about a full nights sleep than we humans do.

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Right now, she doesn't really "step-up" to anyone, not even me. She will do it on her terms. When I ask, she usually walks away, growls, or goes back in her cage. Although yesterday, she was in a hurry to climb onto me as I was getting ready to put her to bed.


I am worried about her sleep routine more so than her diet at the moment. She can "sleep" in the upstairs spare bedroom, but that will mean I have to move her at 5:30-6, or she will have to learn to step-up to someone else to be moved. And than they have to manage to get her into her cage, which so far only works with bribery, and even than, it is only sometimes.


She seems to be taking it all in stride, but is pretty leary of men, and likes to torment the dogs by whistling, then pretending not to see them when they come running over.

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I think that you will find that when you get a routine established with Lola it will be easier. They really are creatures of habit. I.e. when you get a usual bedtime established, they know when it is time and are more cooperative. That is my experience anyway. After a time, she will start letting you know if you deviate from the "routine." Make sure you always tell her verbally what is going on. Like "time for bed" etc. They easily grasp the meaning when it accompanies an action, which helps get a routine going. When I say "gotta go to work" to Timber, he now immediately heads into the cage, because he knows it is time for example.

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Hi! I'm Tania from NJ, and I adopted my first Grey on Saturday - Lola!


We are in an area that was hit very hard by hurricane Sandy, and many pets lost their homes and were displaced. Lola's owner lost her home and moved into a town house with her mom, and two younger brothers. She is also going to college in the fall, and did not want to leave the responsibility on her mom who is dealing with their displacement from their home.


So, I adopted her. Lola (formerly known as Roxy, but that's also my dog's name..) is a 2 year old grey who is a primadonna. She has been settling in ok, and allows m to scratch her neck occasionally. She will take food from my hand, as well as my family members.


She doesn't step-up to any of us yet, although at her old home she did.


She only likes seeds, and peanuts, although I am Trying to switch her to a pellet diet... I'm not sure it's working though.


I am also keeping a blog with our adventures, mistakes, progress, and learning. I figure it'll serve as a learning source for other new "parronts" to learn from what has worked, and NOT worked, for me!


Pictures of my girl can be found at:





You've only had this bird for one week? Well, you're being told to do too many things in a very short amount of time. How about learning all about your bird with things that he's already used to. He didn't die before you got him and he won't die now either. As far as what happened in NJ, remember Katrina? My sister in law who is a RN who lives in NY made the trip down there to help people and wound up helping Animal Control capture a Macaw and a Cockatoo from a destroyed house. They didn't know how to handle these birds and since she had experience doing that in NY with her brother, she was successful. They never found the owners and the birds were fed dog pellets for 5 weeks until they were put into an adoption center. They did pretty well. Learn about your bird first. Trust and security is a lot more important than feeding the right foods. You'll get better results with what you wanna do.

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You have received a lot of advice, it's up to you to try or do what you wish. Judy's veggie list is great. If you wish to feed fruits, fine or seeds or pellets, it's all up to you, when all is said and done you have to do what you feel is right...Thank you...

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