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worried again


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re Alfie flying into patio window this afternoon, he did seem fine but tonight has not been himself, when my son came in he normaly whistles to him this never happened, he asks for tickle tickle from about 10.30 ish but has just been on his swing perch sleeping which he does not normaly do , now im looking and cant make up my mind if feathers are fluffed up more than any other time, he is on one foot so take it from that balance is fine, he never sleeps like he is at the moment before we go to bed, he has been out this evening on play stand and didn't notice anything different then am I just looking into this too much

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re Alfie flying into patio window this afternoon, he did seem fine but tonight has not been himself, when my son came in he normaly whistles to him this never happened, he asks for tickle tickle from about 10.30 ish but has just been on his swing perch sleeping which he does not normaly do , now im looking and cant make up my mind if feathers are fluffed up more than any other time, he is on one foot so take it from that balance is fine, he never sleeps like he is at the moment before we go to bed, he has been out this evening on play stand and didn't notice anything different then am I just looking into this too much


Yeah, you are. Your bird had a new experience which he didn't think was too pleasent. Tomorrw, he'll be back to his old self. t'sa normal thing that birds do when they crash into things.

Edited by Dave007
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Thanks guys and yeah Dave you werte right was welcomed me with his normal 'good boy' this morning and breakfast eatten, sorry just not used to sitting during the evening and being able to listen to TV without 'tickle tickle' or 'Alfie good boy' ect lol, thanks again

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Poor Alfie just had a scare. If he's OK today, just take him around to all the windows and mirrors and let him feel them, bang with his beak, rap on them with your finger, so that he learns there's an obstacle there. You could also get some vinyl decals, the kind people use to decorate walls, and stick them on the glass so he can see the hard surface. You're a good parront. I know what that guilt over a bump feels like. How does it look today? Sometimes I put a tiny amount of aloe gel on a bump if Dorian lets me near it. I have a plant so I know it's 100% safe.

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Thanks Acappella he is fine today there s no way i would be able to get to touch the cut but it is very small and looks fine but will keep my eye on it, the odd part is alfie has always had free flight in this room and nothings changed so really dont know what he was thinking, sadly alfie is not very good and staying with me to walk round he has become a little devil since xmas, someone must of swapped my loving little baby, head strong is not the word!! but each day is a new day and I can see light at the end of the challenge guess in about 4 years lol

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Sometimes something spooks them, it could have been anything and when frightened like that they will fly into things they don't usually do, my tiel does fly around the room at times but I have had a scary moment or two with her flying into the window and being disoriented for a bit but she gets over it. Birds have such good eyesight they notice things we might not but the important thing is not to beat yourself up over it, sh** happens.

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