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I'm in panic


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Was looking forward to posting a proud moment on here today but that will have to wait, Alfie for the first time has just flown into patio door he did after short time fly from floor to play stand but has gone very quite and I put him back into cage to feel safe was able to do this without any problems which is not normal, he has also got a small cut just below where small feathers start on his head it has not bleed, once in cage I offered what we call good boy treat but he would not except this again not normal is he just in shock or should I be worried.

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Probably a little shocky, may have a headache too. You need to watch him for any signs of balance problems,sitting puffed up, head tilt. He should resume normal activity eating and drinking normally with in an hour or so. If not please call your Vet. we don't want to miss treating any bruising to brain or air sacks. It would not hurt to call the Vet and report the injury to get their opinion on what to watch for or if a visit should be done now.

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Thank you have rang vet he said just to leave him alone in cage and keep eye on him, Alfie has moved to his swing and is perching on one foot so take it he is resting, he has been out for a while today so will be tired , cant believe after over a year he has just done this , time for coffee and calm down time for me while he rests!

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That is scary any time a flight in to a window happens. Greywings gave GreYt advice. But, sense you have spoken with your vet and alfie is already starting to become more normalized it sees he is recovering from that skull meets glass shock.

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Those are the worst moments and I have had my tiel fly into windows before and she was a little dazed afterwards, Dave told me to just hold her in my hands for 10 to 15 minutes until she gets over it and not allow her to fly again for a couple of hours but this has never happened to Josey. You did the right thing to call your avian vet for advice but it looks like Alfie will be fine.

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Greycie has flown into a mirror and a window - both once. They're pretty smart and will remember not to do that again. She sat around looking dazed and confused after the window incident but all's well these days.


Btw...your statement below is funny. For me, these are mutually exclusive :P

time for coffee and calm down time for me
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Thanks guys panic over, Alfie had some pellets and playing with paper , but at the age of 13 months has his first wound!! feel sad about that, guess like when our children have their first bump on their head, bless him x

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Poor Alfie! First wound, is as hard on mama, as it is on baby! He may be quiet, trying to make sense of it all I think. I remember Sophie doing that. Just make sure you let Alfie know you " empathize" with his traumatic event. Also let him know how proud you are of him with his bravery. When he is ready....time to fly again. Certainly make sure he is ready. DOM'T let Alfieknow3 this stresses you. They pick up on that. Nancy

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