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My 7 months CAG needs help


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Hi there, I had "Bobby" my 7 months old CAG last month and he was not in good shape, weight only 385g (in the morning before hand feed). He was on "beaphar Xtra Vital Premium food" so i continue with it till now plus morning and evening "ZuPreen baby bird hand feeding formula plus" for approximately 25ml each.


He was happy and playful and his weight increased to 398g, till 3 days ago his weight dropped to 384g and acting stange. He became nervous and eat only half the portion he used to.


Feces is firm and urates is normal, urine seems a bit more then before.


I'm new with CAG, could anyone please refer to the youtube link and share your experiences with me? I'm worrying if there is anything wrong with my baby.







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At 7 months old, most greys have not been on formula since they were weaned at around 16 to 20 weeks old. Some may like a little formula still, but most will just refuse it after a while. The weight fluctuation you noted is nothing to be concerned about. It is miniscule. You grey is a small framed grey on the lower end of what various greys weigh based on body frame size. He is still very new to your home and acting nervous at times is normal. The most important thing to do with a new grey is go slow and easy to build trust and confidence with him. Anything new in his area can cause fright and nervousness as well. Even some clothes colors or a hat for example can scare them at times.


Welcome by the way. I look forward to hearing more from you. :)

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Hi Dan,


Thank you so much for the reply. I feel relief now... Despite of his old age he still like the baby formula very much and makes squawking noise every time I approach him. Details can refer to the YouTube link.


Is this phenomenon something to be concerned? I know they're sensitive but didn't know to this level.


I weighted him today and found out he gained few grams and which makes me a happy dad...


Thanks again for your help.



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Welcome Stephen and Bobby to the grey forum.

We will always try to give you the best advice when it comes to your grey because at one time we were all new to greys and had many of the same questions.

Let your grey settle in to his new home and spend as much time with him as you can.

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Hi and welcome to you and Bobby. It sounds like your baby may be a little more on the nervous side. It's often just their personality. Greys are known for being a little high strung, some more than others. My grey Dorian can be the same way. It doesn't mean you can't raise a confident resilient boy. The best thing to do is to always explain what you are doing and be calm and reassuring when something startles him. For example, always warn him when you are coming into the room carrying something. If I'm carrying a box or something else that he might not expect I always warn Dorian "carrying something big" before I come into view. He'll take his cues from you as he learns to trust you. If something scares him the first thing he'll do is look to see if it worries you. Eg. When we first moved here any storm outside scared Dorian, because in our previous home we'd been in a basement where he couldn't hear big winds. Now he's in a room with big Garden doors so he hears everything. At first if it stormed during the night I'd have to go in to calm him and sit with him for a while. Now he sleeps right through storms. Your biggest job right now is to form a bond of trust. After that is in place everything else becomes easier.

Edited by Acappella
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Stephen... certainly start leaving different veggies and a few fruits out daily. Sophie " chucked" them at the walls for a long time. I kept trying....even the ones she threw at the walls.It sometimes takes a long time. She now does eat a great variety of veggies and fruits. Of course, veggies are more important, so I offer her " fresh", but I also give her freezedryed veggies mixed in her seed mix. She eats it.

As far as still wanting formula at seven months....my Amazon did as well. Try a spoon with oatmeal, yogurt,mushy stuff. Kiki went from two times a day, down to one. She is the best eater.... tries all new veggies and fruits. If Kiki likes it....it must be good! LOL! Always satisfy the "oral stage." I advanced to giving Kiki a quick taste of scrambled eggs off the spoon,in front of plate with more egg. Parked the spoon on the plate after a quick bite. Worked quite well.Nancy and gang

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