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Simon doesn't like me at a certain time of day


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This is a new thing, and it seems odd to me. Simon is 27 months old. For the past two weeks, he has disliked me in the late afternoons. He likes me in the morning and adores me in the evening, but he doesn't like me in the late afternoons.


Our usual schedule: The birds come out of their houses when I get up in the morning, and they stay out for about an hour. They go back in when their breakfast is ready. I go to work for the day. After work, around 5:00, I come home and let them all out of their houses for about an hour. They go back in when dinner is ready. Depending on what else is going on, they might come out again later in the evening.


Anyway, lately Simon has been aggressive when I go to let him out of his house after work. He puffs up and lunges and bites if I try to offer my hand to step up. When he acts like this, I close the door to his house and try again in a few minutes. Sometimes it takes three or four attempts before he'll come out. It seems like he's a bit scared of me at that time of day.


I don't understand this. I'm his favourite person the rest of the time. What's going on?


(Oh, and in other news, he can sing the theme song from the Addams Family now.)

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I, too, never take my boys out. I just open the door and they come out. Sometimes they like my shoulder, but usually they just either walk out or fly out. Has anything else changed about that time of day? Do you come home a bit later or earlier than you did a month ago? Are you coming in another door? Are you doing anything in a different order? Maybe letting the 'wrong' bird out first? LOL Hopefully you can figure it out and life will return to normal soon.

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My birds will do the same thing it is just like with people i would say you are not always in the mood for company and maybe this is the time of day that he just wants to be left alone. As mentioned before i would leave the door open when he is ready to come out and wants to be with you he will come out. That has been my experience with birds, hope it helps

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I think it is the "terrible twos." When Brutus was that age he did some mean things around that time of day and I know he loves me in spite of it. i think those hormones are just kicking in and they are not thinking straight. I ONLY allow my birds out if they step up. I think it is important that they see their owner as their means to freedom. When Brutus was acting up like that I just avoided interacting with him. In time, I got so I could just look at him and see the wildness in his eyes that let me know he was in one of his "moods." If it makes you feel better the bad behavior wanes after a couple of years, especially if you don't punish, just redirect.

Edited by chezron
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