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Tango came home from his bird sitters more spoiled than ever. It has been a rough week trying to get back on track. He fell right back into his old screaming behavior, but even worse because his routine was disturbed.

What I did find interesting is that he learned to say special things at their house. He hasn't said them while he was here. They were home with him and didn't keep him in his cage at all really, so when he was in his cage and wanted them to let him out he would say "Tango Out" to them. He has never said this to me and hasn't said it since he has been home.


I've been home for almost a week now, and I think we are almost back into old routine, but I think Tango liked all the attention he got at the babysitters house!

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I was worried at first because this was a new place for him, but he definitely got lots of attention. Almost too much attention. They had built perches on the outside of his travel cage for him to climb all around on, I didn't think that he would be allowed out too much because they have a bird of their own that rule the house. I didn't want to disrupt her life, but they seemed to get along just fine. I think he can't wait until our next vacation because of all the attention and good snacks..

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There's no doubt Tango enjoyed that stay and out of cage time with plenty to do. It is good to hear he is settling back in. Maybe just ask "Tango want out?" and let him out when your ready to do so. He will start asking you "Tango Out" at times as well. It is iinteresting that he used it there,but not in your home so far. But, there is no rhyme or reason sometimes it seems, why our greys do what they do. :)

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So great that you have a safe place for Tango when you are away. Maybe his screeching is worse because they didn't follow the ignore rule. Now that he's back home he's seeing if the rule is still in place. Once he sees you haven't changed how you respond to the noise, it should extinguish sooner than it did originally. Just dig out the ear plugs again for a few days!

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The ear plugs are definitely needed and the screaming seems to be in full force. It may be worse than it was before. Maybe I think that it is worse because we were at a point that it was pretty much non existent. I think that the bird sitters were so attentive to Tango that he didn't have to spend any time alone or in his cage.

So I am having a bit of a rough week getting Tango to go back to where we were. I kind of want to pull my hair out, but I will make it. I did it before, I can do it again.

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Of course you'll make it. Just be 100% consistent and he'll get the message. Just look at it from his point of view. He went to a new place where they responded to his noise in an entirely different way than mom does. Now he's back home and tring to figure out exactly what the rules are. The next time he goes to the sitters you'll have to impress upon them the importance of keeping the same rules there. Like Judy says, just like going to gradmas and coming back totally spoiled and testing the boundaries. He should calm down soon.

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Thanks everyone for the words of support. I definitely need it (I know it is definitely like going to grandparents house, but still a little stressful nevertheless). One good thing that came out of the bird sitter is they put him to bed at 8pm religiously. Now pretty much at 8pm he starts telling me he is ready to go night. I guess they were able to get him on a better sleeping schedule than I could. I just thought he wanted to be up with us because we were up. He could care less and goes to sleep as soon as I cover him now.

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Well, something was learned from the experience then! Timber insists on staying up until rest of the house goes to bed. Fortunately, we are early birds so that isn't very late. When I go upstairs, he will still be whistling at me as long as he hears me moving around (in the bathroom). I wish he would just go to sleep already because I feel guilty when he knows I'm awake and not spending every minute with him. Ha.. ;)

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