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I hope you are not feeling too overwhelmed by all this. I think you are doing all the right things in reaching out to get knowledgeable help from people like this forum contains, to assist you in providing the best and correct care of your much loved baby grey. Believe me, we all fret over ours constantly, just as we do over our human children. :)


In regards veggies, the most important thing is to just provide an abundance of different types, textures and colors like raw carrots, broccoli, kale, squash, hot peppers, pumpkin etc. chopped up. The same goes with fruits as well but much lesser quantities.


Since your grey is clipped, be certain that when he does make a leap as you described, that he not placed high in an area with hardwood, tile or linoleum floors. If they hit too hard, they can split their keel and it's a 911 trip to the avian vet. :)


BTW - I love these videos... more, more , more and photos too when you get a chance. :)

Edited by danmcq
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I feel like she is okay. She doesn't squawk as much anymore, however she has starting making a bit of a different sound now. I made a video and seems almost like she's breathing heavy? I'm not sure if that's an accurate description of the sound. You would all know better after you hear it.


Here's the video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdbBG9QDg-4&feature=youtu.be


Also - she's starting to get better balance and using her beak to hold things. It was cool yesterday she was hanging upside down on one of her toys - I found that to be SUPER COOL! Feels like she's almost trying to make different sounds now too, rather than just a set of baby sounds I've been used to hearing. They seem to sound a bit more complex. Does anyone know how old they are before they start saying words like us?


Thanks for all your help and care everyone! Appreciate everything!

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[reply to both posts] Hi, Don't worry about sounds she makes, she'll be making a lot of strange sounds from now on... It's possible for your baby to talk now, it's usually around 1 year old. Two things, your baby still looks hungry, please describe the poop, post a couple of photos if you would please. Another thing, it looks like shes plucking around the neck? Give here a half teaspoon of low sodium peanut butter, put it on the tip of the spoon and let her eat it, she might not be getting enough protein. Post a weight, after first poop in the morning...She looks like she regurging, at the end of the head bobbing you can see her beak move like she's eating... Maake sure she has plenty of water, what are you feeding her now?....Thanks Jay

Edited by Jayd
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Her poop seems to be the same. There's no change in the way it looks. Dark poop with the usual liquid. I weighed her after the big morning poop and she was 452 grams.


She is making cool sounds. Also, when I made a special whistle, she is trying to make the same kind of whistle as mine - it's so amazing!


Also, her baby food I am feeding her she started rejecting it. I get 50cc ready for her, but maybe between 15-25cc she stops eating it and runs away from me. She is eating more of her seeds right now, and she really loves her carrots.


She doesn't mind my Dog being around as much anymore - but - I am still keeping her far from him just in case.


I gave the peanut butter - she tasted it and then she ran away - maybe it will take her time to get used to the taste?


Her neck is the same as when I got her. It looked like that from the start. Also the back of her neck, she doesn't have the full hair there yet. Is that normal? I'm not sure if she's plucking, she plays with her feathers but I have never seen them come out. I made a video of what she does and will post that soon.


Also, her water is there in the bowl but I have never seen her drink it with my eyes yet. Just seen her eating and that is all. She is also trying to hang upside down now and having fun in trying to do so.

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Her poop seems to be the same. There's no change in the way it looks. Dark poop with the usual liquid. I weighed her after the big morning poop and she was 452 grams.


She is making cool sounds. Also, when I made a special whistle, she is trying to make the same kind of whistle as mine - it's so amazing!


Also, her baby food I am feeding her she started rejecting it. I get 50cc ready for her, but maybe between 15-25cc she stops eating it and runs away from me. She is eating more of her seeds right now, and she really loves her carrots.


She doesn't mind my Dog being around as much anymore - but - I am still keeping her far from him just in case.


I gave the peanut butter - she tasted it and then she ran away - maybe it will take her time to get used to the taste?


Her neck is the same as when I got her. It looked like that from the start. Also the back of her neck, she doesn't have the full hair there yet. Is that normal? I'm not sure if she's plucking, she plays with her feathers but I have never seen them come out. I made a video of what she does and will post that soon.


Also, her water is there in the bowl but I have never seen her drink it with my eyes yet. Just seen her eating and that is all. She is also trying to hang upside down now and having fun in trying to do so.

Thank you, A Grey can start plucking at any age, also a sibling or parent could have plucked her neck. She isn't eating right, drop too two meals a day, morning and bedtime start wit 40-50cc then the next meal you stop will be the breakfast. She gets water from her formula. Your doing a good job thank you. Try some sweet potatoes, steamed, no skin, I would really like to see a phot of her morning poop. Jay

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've tried so many times to get a shot of her morning poop but she does it way before any of us see. It's just dried up at the bottom by that time. I saw some pictures of others and it looks the same so I'm guessing it's okay.


She's getting better now and acting more calm. She has a special whistle she uses to call me and whenever she sees me only - no one else haha


She's eating only a MAXIMUM of 25cc 2 times a day now - more than that she rejects and doesn't want it. It seems like she wants more in the 15cc range though, but she is willing to take that 25cc. I also saw her drinking water yesterday, which I never saw before.


She can hang upside-down now too which is cool. She doesn't like me taking her in the cage from the playtop on her cage - she doesn't step up if she's out of her cage, she only steps up from inside because she knows she's going out. I had to gently force her on my hand yesterday, which she didn't appreciate and she grabbed my forearm and kept squeezing it so hard. I didn't scream or pull back because I know you're not supposed to - but it's really not nice of her to do that. What can I do to make her stop and accept that when she's in the cage she's in the cage, and when she's out the cage she's out the cage.


About her neck area, it's still not filling up. I see on the bottom of her cage, like the white undercoat sometimes which is underneath the feathers. But she isn't plucking the grey feathers though. How long will it take for her to get the neck area feathers? It's from her back neck, and some in the front and also right under her lower beak. The lower beak area I can see some pink skin there too.


She eats everything now. She had a piece of corn she was holding and eating yesterday - loves carrots, green pepper, brocolli, cauliflower, cilantro - she also eats her fruit pellets and her seeds a lot. She likes fresh fruits too. Her weight this morning was 455g before she ate.


Also what about showers? Is there an age when we can do that? Is there a good way to get her used to water so she doesn't freak out the first time?


Thanks for all your help, support and feedback!

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As baby decreases amount of formula, it is important to see if they are eating enough seed as well as fresh fruits and veggies.Start weighing your baby daily. Most babies will drink when you dont see it, so that is hard to measure. Monitoring their poop, weight and activity, is a great tool to help you determine their well being.

As far as showers.... Kiki and Sunny love them. Sophie will reject a shower, and loves to watch everyone get showered and blowdryed! She is thrilled they are enjoying themselves. We have tried everything possible to get her to enjoy a shower, but no go! I think it is important for greys to learn young about the shower. Nancy

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