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Well, I just got my baby African Grey Congo 5 days ago! I'm so pumped!!


I've been instructed to feed her the same food from the syringe mixed in warm water for another 2 weeks. She's currently 3.5 months old, so I guess that will complete here 4 month cycle. It's about 20mL syringe and I was told to feed her 3 times a day. She has a fruit flavored food and pellets and water in her cage too which she's learning to pick at sometimes.


One thing I've noticed since I got her, is that in these 5 days, the 20mL is maybe not enough for her. She squawks like crazy and keeps on going when she sees me. It's like she's demanding food. Sometimes she opens up her wings while she has the syringe putting food in her mouth from outside the cage half way and looks like shes a bit angry while she's eating. I'm confused - I think it seems like she's angry, but I'm not sure. Anyhow, the problem is that as soon as she sees someone she squawks continuously for long periods of time. It's so loud and seems like it could get very annoying very quickly.


I also have a 120lb King German Shepherd in the house. He's relatively calm with her now, but if she's out of her cage and on the kitchen table (where I bring her) and he's close by, she jumps and launches at him. That's pretty wild too. If he's not there, she's fine though - so I try to keep him away when she's out. When she's inside it's hard because he doesn't bother with her, until she starts going off on her squawking.


Ok, so, I take her out of her cage maybe 2-3 times a day for about 10-15 minutes. She comes to my hand and tries to cuddle a bit. I stroke her head to lower neck in one direction and she squawks a bit more gentle tone when I'm doing then. When I move my hand and stop, she squawks loud again. I've heard about behavioral issues with Greys, so I'm assuming I need to give her the attention - if that's even what she's asking for when she squawks like crazy.


She has 2 hanging toys in her cage right now and the wooden perch that came with the cage. One is a wood/wicker toy and the other is plastic stars linked together in nice colors. Her cage is places in the corner of the family room and has a view of the kitchen and the backyard windows which are about 10 or so feet away from her. Seems very cozy.


Also she comes to the corner of her cage at the bottom and keeps trying to dig while squawking. I find that strange too, but maybe because I'm so used to owning Dogs that seem to be relatively a bit more calm. I thought a parrot would be more calm than a hyper Dog, but it seems like this is going in a different direction from what I've learned in 5 days, and what I expected from my research before getting her.


Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? Please help me - I really want her to be a bit more of a calm bird like I saw some parrots in the pet store. They don't seem to be howling like her with no end in sight.


Someone please help and give me pointers! I'm really confused! Any help at all will be very appreciated. I need all the advice I can get!



Edited by y2kunals
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Awwww.she is such a baby! Decide on what pellets you want to do. Harrisons is quite popular.Also start leaving her fresh fruits and veggies. Birds wean themselves, but owners need to listen to their request. I would give her a bowl of seed, and a sample of fresh fruits and veggies. Your dog is part of your family, so I would continue to introduce them under supervision. She may fuss... but she eventually needs to adapt. I'm so happy 12 years later, dogs and birds are best friends. They all conspire against me! LOL!

I need to leave in my car, all medications that are not in a bottle. Otherwise, Sophie will get into my purse, no matter how quick I think I can be. Sophie will go in my purse, find lipstick, throw it down to Zoey my puppy, that loves lipstick. She will say " here you go Zoey!" Zoey is thrilled! Ollie and Zoey share their treats with Sophie. Sophie yells to Ollie... " Do you want a peanut?" she will give him a peanut that he loves. They go back and forth.When I get home, I open the birdroom.I can be changing... come down to find Sophie in the dog kennel snuggling with either dog.You also have to understand, dogs were Nancypups when Sophie came here, and my senior Lhasha Apso,trained them all. Nancy

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Hi and welcome, the corner digging is 100% normal, she's cleaning house, lol. Does your baby fly? What temp are you feeding the food at? it should be 109degrees no higher and no lower than 103degrees. feed a minimum of40cc. What are you feeding? Your baby will start flying when the flight feathers reach the end of the red tail feathers, .....Do you have a photo?

Edited by Jayd
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Thanks for your replies. I understand I guess, that I need to allow my Buster (my monster size King Shepherd) in her view. What do I do about her leaping at him though? Even if she's in the cage, she goes hysterical banging through the bars trying to get at him after some time if he doesn't just leave on his own! This is going to be so frustrating. Me and him are like best friends, and I wanted to expand this friendship with her in it. It seems like he's willing to let that happen, but she's so aggressive with him around!


She doesn't fly, they clipped her feathers beforehand. It's done so that they're cut on the feather itself so it isn't pointy. She has floated out of my hands towards the ground today.


So my understand from you Jayd is that I do the 40cc (40mL) - is that per day, or 3 times per day?


What do I do about the LOUD squawking? Even my Mom thinks it's kind of abnormal. None of the parrots we've ever seen go that wild!


Here's a picture of her: http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr75/kunalpahwa/550305_445088072239874_1817776007_n.jpg


She looks so innocent, but I'm actually kind of scared of her right now lol I want to know about this squawking rampage!

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Thank you, That's 3 times a day. If you could please answer my other questions, we can't help if you don't. Keep the dog and the Grey separated for right now, your Grey is traumatized by your dog. With the wings clipped you baby is going to have some psychological issues and physical issues,[balance]. You dog, sad to say is causing a lot of the issues such as squawking. A this age your baby should only be concerned with herself and you, not stressing out, these reactions are normal under these conditions. It's very important to get a gram scale and weigh her every morning after her big poop and record it.

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Jay is spot on. Your grey is hungry due to not receiving enough formula at each feeding. As was mentioned by others, have seed mix (no peanuts in the shell), some pellets and veggies for him to start weaning on to. Your baby is a prey animal and the reaction to a dog is normal. As already said, keep your dog away from your grey. The dog needs to be introduced slowly over time and ony by having him on a leash and walked by at a distance to let him and the grey see eachother, but for your grey not to become fearful. I kept my dobermans locked in the bedroom or outside during the times our grey was out with us and leashed them when walking them through the room our grey was in to take them outside maintaining a 10 foot distance at the minimum to keep the threat level to your grey at a minimum during this introduction period. I must say though, that the dobermans could never be trusted at a close distance to our parrots because when a bird moves. sight oriented dogs are excited and alert sometimes taking off in pursuit. I cannot stress enough how careful you must be at all times. Some people here have dogs that are not excited by a fast miving bird and the dogs and birds interact and get a long just fine. But, that has never been the case with my dobermans and they would kill my parrots if they ever got a hold of one of them when they had the chance.


The most important thing you need to be focused on right now, is giving that grey a home he will feel love and trust in. You are his guardian and flock. He must feel secure at all times. If he does not, you will have a neurotic grey living in fear which is not what you want, I am sure. Go slow, ask lots of questions and you will be successful and having a happy, loving grey and home that will learn to live together.


A few good informative links to help you understand the feeding stage you are currently at:







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Thanks for your replies.


danmcq - that was very thorough from a dog owners eyes, thank you for that insight.


Jayd - I'm not sure of the temperature but the water feels warm to the touch. Not room temperature and certainly not hot. She currently has some pellets and some fruit flavored food there. I have her red grapes too, and she likes to try picking them up with her hand to eat. I cut up half a strawberry in small pieces for her too, but she didn't understand how to eat it. She licked it a couple times then dropped it.


Also, what should I be looking for on the gram scale? I have one for food, I can put her on it and weigh her. What kind of weight should she be at at 3.5 months and how should the weight be progressing?

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You need to get a thermometer, and check the temperature, what kind of formula are you feeding? weigh you baby and tell us how many grams she weighs.. Keep parrot seed in the cage. Thanks Dan.....................

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I'll get on the weighing. In the mean time, here's a video of her squawking - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YozWYRllF_g&feature=youtu.be


She does this every time she sees me or someone. If we all sit down quietly, she'll be quiet too. This is so loud you can hear it throughout the whole house. I have to leave the area and a couple minutes later she stops.


This video was made right after she ate - so I'm not understanding this because she's clearly not hungry. If I put my hand in her cage, she'll put her head down asking me to pet her and squawk at different tone. At this rate we're all going to go deaf!

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I wish you and your baby all the luck in the world. Baby Greys are so enticing and sweet. That said your breeder should be severely reprimanded for selling a clipped unweaned baby to a relative novice. It is not fair on you and not fair on the baby. I hope you do not have issues with re-bonding. Once baby Greys reach a year or so they are genetically programmed to move away from mom and dad and seek out another for a partner.

I hope others thinking of doing what you have done read these posts carefully and decide not to buy unweaned clipped babies. It is a mistake to think that weaning a baby will build a bond for life. There can be no guarantee that will happen.

This is by no means meant as a criticism of you. You have done what you thought would be best and I hope it all works out well for you both.


Steve n Misty

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Err I tried to weigh her and the weighing machine stopped working as soon as she stepped on! What a joke! I need to get some batteries for it!


Thank you everyone that's helping me. I keep having withdrawals every few hours. I upped her food to 50cc now and just fed her.


One thing I don't understand is closer to the end of her meal, she starts to look mad. She pulls her wings up and squawks VERY LOUD and bobs her head up and down a lot too! This only happens during the end of it. Is there a reason for that?


Sorry I keep asking so many questions. I've had dogs my whole life and I can read any Dog with my eyes shut. I really feel uncomfortable knowing I have an animal in the house that I can barely understand - but I'm trying to learn as much as I can so I can give her what she needs. I really want her to be happy and not be crying all day long.


Thanks so much!

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What your baby is doing is normal, you should have been taught how to hold your baby when you feed her. If you don't answer my questions I can't help either of you! I don't even know if she's getting the proper food. By not feeding right your baby can develop all kinds of problems and even die...The most important time in a Greys life is now. Are you using a spoon or syringe? a Grey is not a dog or child.....

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Hi sorry - the food is this one by Hagen - http://ca-en.hagen.com/File/6d3e84f3-b51d-492e-8821-6b2f5607171f


I'm using a syringe and he showed me to hold her top and put it in her mouth. But is that anger towards the end of her meal, the way she does that?


She has the Tropican baby pellets in her bowl - it says on the bag it's for weaning and it says Greys on it too

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#1. You have to serve the formula at the proper temperature, no excuses. If you don't, it won't be accepted completely into the system....#2. feed the baby 3 times a day equal hours apart, same time each day.....#3. No dogs for now in the same room.....#4.Read the links Dan posted for you....#5. Weigh the baby....#6.Your baby is Hungry, nothing more, he hasn't been fed properly....He has the first stages of developing a phobia because of this and you need to bring a feeding routine back into her life. Ihave to go now, I'll post more later. I believe your baby is younger then you were told.......Keep a bowl of good parrot seed in the cage at all time.......................

Edited by Jayd
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I just weighed her. She is 445g. I also have a feeling that she associates me with food only. It's not her dinner time yet and she's screeching like she wants food. I'm going to give it to her in 30min to 1hour from now. I kept my dog away, but she is a lot more calm now when she seems him around because he is at a distance. I just left her in her cage right now and I can hear her screaming downstairs again. It's like she thinks I am only about food and nothing else. I could be wrong - not sure.

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Hi, Maggie here, writing for Jay...to all members who may not be aware of what "Abundant Feeding" is...This is a necessity for all parrots but it has special meaning to a Grey. If a baby, young, re-homed or rescue Grey does not have an abundance of available foods, (even if the food is not all eaten) can develop a psychosis or phobia to the point of actually dying from the fear of not having enough food, even if they are healthy because they fear there will not be enough food available for them. Greys waste a lot of food...they take a bite of this and a bite of that...until they are secure in their trust of having enough food, toys, attention, etc., a lot of psychological and behavioral problems such as squawking, biting, etc. is caused by not having an abundance of food, toys, attention at all times. As caretakers, we must put up with this waste. Thanks, Jay

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I just weighed her. She is 445g. I also have a feeling that she associates me with food only. It's not her dinner time yet and she's screeching like she wants food. I'm going to give it to her in 30min to 1hour from now. I kept my dog away, but she is a lot more calm now when she seems him around because he is at a distance. I just left her in her cage right now and I can hear her screaming downstairs again. It's like she thinks I am only about food and nothing else. I could be wrong - not sure.

The weight is great, it is all about food at this point, that's part of hand raising, that's why you chose to hand feed. You must bring routine into this baby's life. Once again, I repeat myself...feed it the same time every day. Even if you have to miss a bathroom call or the start of your dinner. Your baby will tell you when it wants to cut back on the feedings. Keep the seeds, pellets, fresh veggies, one piece of fruit only every two to three days, 24/7 in the cage. I'm not there so I can't see how thick your food is. It definitely should be a paste, not watery at this age. If you are feeding with a spoon, the formula should stick to the spoon if you flip it over. You can switch to a spoon if you are using a syringe so the baby can get a thicker formula. It is important that the temperature of the food not exceed 109 degrees or less than 103 degrees Fahrenheit. Too hot and you can have a crop burn through and not hot enough ...the food will settle in the crop and sour and not move on into the stomach. A big problem by having the wings clipped is the inherent time-line in a baby parrot. Just before a parrot is ready to fly, they will cut way back on the amount of food they eat to lose weight to make it easier to fly. This is nature's way of weight maintenance. Now, with the wings clipped, one of two things will happen. Besides not fledging properly, she will either eat at the amount she is eating now which will put her overweight or she will go through a false free-flying weight loss. Either one can lead to psychological problems. From now on, only weigh your baby right after he makes his big poop in the morning and before you feed him in the morning. Only weigh him one time a day to get an accurate weight average. Thank you, Jay

A side note: A Grey does not need or require fruit. One grape or a small piece of apple, etc. every couple of days is more than enough. They need food, not sugar.

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Jay is right about your grey being younger than you were told based just on that one photo. A 12 week old grey is totally feathered and almost as big as they will ever be. The weight of 445, if that was taken not too long after the feeding, is no where near what your grey truly weighs which is probably under 400 grams. Take the weight every morning when the stomach is empty and after the grey has down the huge morning bomb. Do this each morning and you will have a very accurate reading of how much your grey truly weighs each day. The reason accuracy is important, is it tells you how well your grey is doing and if it is eating enough each day. We all weigh our greys after they have finished waning and watch for any variance of + or - 5 %. If a variance lasts more than a day or two you probably have a health issue. NOTE: Please understand I mean AFTER they have weaned and fledged. When they first get the urge to try out their wings, they will quit eating as much so they lighten up to gain flight the first time easier until they build up the pecks. :)


NOTE+NOTE: Pay special attention to all Jay has said and answer any questions he or Maggie ask. They have hand fed a Gazillion baby parrots over decades.

Edited by danmcq
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Thanks for your feedback and help everyone. She jumped from her playtop before I fed her dinner and used her wings to slowly float down. That was pretty interesting. She sat there, slowly pulled her wings apart a little, put her head down and just jumped.


After feeding her dinner just a while ago she started making a sound I never heard from her before. I made a video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf-y8-2zW98&feature=youtu.be


Is there a certain type of veggies the babies tend to like more?


Well the dog is away from her and I'm going to weigh her tomorrow. Hope all goes well.

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