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Parrot Appreciation Day


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That's a great idea though! Wonder if they would sign off on something like the following:


In honor of Parront's Appreciation Day, as evidenced by my beak imprint below, I agree (only for said day) to the following:


1. I will not throw food and other items out of my cage and on to the floor/counter/furniture/window sills simply for entertainment purposes.

2. I will not dunk every-other morsel of food I choose to eat in my water bowl necessitating multiple, otherwise unnecessary water changes.

3. I will not poop (with intent) on every perch and toy on the inside of my cage while in cage, nor will I poop on non-avian flock members and restricted areas while out of the cage.

4. I will not meow like a distressed kitten to lure the felines in the house to my cage for a nibble.

5. I will not attempt to get down to the floor to terrorize said felines.

6. I will not chew on enticing yet forbidden items such as the woodwork, cabinets, sofa, kitchen implements, and non-mom human flock members.

7. I will not get snarky if my parront fails to put an artichoke on my skewer and expects me to eat other vegetables fit only for pigs and peons.

8. I will not yell "OK, BYE" when my parront is on the phone.

9. I will not call a flock member "asshole" no matter how deserving.

10. I will not say "I wanna go" then refuse to step down when the destination is reached.


Oh, forget it. The list would go on and on then he would give me the stink eye and refuse to sign! ;)

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That's a great idea though! Wonder if they would sign off on something like the following:


In honor of Parront's Appreciation Day, as evidenced by my beak imprint below, I agree (only for said day) to the following:


1. I will not throw food and other items out of my cage and on to the floor/counter/furniture/window sills simply for entertainment purposes.

2. I will not dunk every-other morsel..........


Oh, forget it. The list would go on and on then he would give me the stink eye and refuse to sign! ;)


Now Timbersmom, you know very well if one of our grey's acted in such a perfect way, we would assume he/she was ill and be off to the avian vet in a panic!

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8. I will not yell "OK, BYE" when my parront is on the phone.


This one made me laugh out loud. Dorian constantly alternates between the microwave beep and the sound of me hanging up or returning the handset to its cradle when I'm trying to talk on the phone. Even if he's been perfectly quiet for the hour preceeding, mom on the phone is a cue for vocalizations and pestering. That's why we tell new owners having a fid is very much like having a young child in the house...well, it's one of the reasons anyway. Thanks for the laugh. I'm afraid we've got a long wait for parronts day. :(

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