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Brat Birds

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I thought I would tell you about Peanut.

We had gone to a bird show to take classes to get us ready to adopt a TOO from a rescue.

My daughter, who has always wanted a Grey, found this baby on sale - for about a 1/3 of what Greys were going for at the time. So I go over to look at him. He was adorable. We were told he was three months old - looking back, I think he was younger. They couldn't give us a hatch date. They told us he has a malformed mucous membrane, but their Vet said it would be no problem. We decided to take him anyway - we had both fallen in love by that time. After the check had changed hands we were told he was still on handfeeding. OK, I learned how to hand feed him. He stayed on hand feedings for three more months. One of the pictures show how he looked after an unusually messy feeding.

We took him to an Avain Vet and found out he had three infections. OK, I learned how to give shots. Poor baby was on two meds and two shots a day. And he still loves me!! :D

His malformed mucous membrane means he has a runny nose ALL THE TIME. I have to wipe his neres a few times a day, and flush as often as I can catch him to do it. One picture shows how he looks if I have been gone for a few hours.

One picture shows him and his 'little' brother Skittles.

The last picture is of him showing off for the kids at one of our visits to schools.



Peanut's bubble nose.jpg

resizedimage Peanut.jpg

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Thanks everyone. I think we are the lucky ones! But, I do agree, I wonder what would have become of him if we hadn't taken him. Peanut is almost 8 now. His 'brother' is almost 10. I have teenage years coming up!! LOL There are times when I wish he could talk, but most of the time I couldn't care less. He definitly has his own way of letting me know what he wants without words.

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Peanit is beautiful! I LOVED the last picture the most.Perfect feathers... perfect everything! You are wrong about Peanut not being able to communicate. He communicated quite well for the class trip. He also has communicated that he has a great dad that takes great care of him. Communication takes all forms, and it doesn't always have to be vocal. Nancy

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