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Gryphon, the one pound People Eater


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So last night I had a notary out to my house to do some signing paperwork for our new house. And Gryphon, true to form, had to show off by playing escape artist from his cage. Well, of course escaping was only the beginning - it was MUCH more fun to lead me on a chase trying to get him back into his home (without getting bit) while the notary looked on in a bored fashion. Finally, I put an almond in his bowl and figured one of two things would happen - either he'd go in for the almond and I could lock him back in, or he'd fly over to me when he realized he was being ignored and then I would HAVE him. Mwahaha.


So, I apologized to the notary and sat back down to sign my paperwork, not giving it another thought - until Gryphon decided to fly over to me. All at once the notary screamed, covered her head and nearly ducked under my kitchen table. When she realized she had not been dive bombed and that my bird was calmly looking on from my shoulder, she crawled back onto her chair, looked at me with pure terror on her face, and said, "I don't really like birds that much."


It was all I could do not to burst out laughing right then and there. I know birds are not for everyone and I try (TRY, being the operative word where Gryph is concerned) to keep my birds confined around people I don't know/trust, but I would have never thought in a million years that a one pound Grey could cause someone so much terror! I'm still laughing today.

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omg that is hystericallll!!!!!! the only time marco flies like that when a stranger is in the house is if they are carrying osmething big like the sears guy freaked her out when he carried in a huge brown box otherwise she just hangs out chillen no matter whos in the house ... my mom when she visited would have died also had marco flown anywhere near her

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Funny stuff! I got a laugh out of this whole thread. Phobeak indeed. Seriously though, I worked with a woman who had a bird get tangled in her hair outside (long and blowing in the wind) when she was about 5. We went to a get together at a coworkers house and they had a canary in a little cage in the living room. My coworker turned white as a sheet and almost passed out at my feet when she saw the bird. That is when she explained her fear. Hard to understand, but very real for some!

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I love the Phobeak!


"terror"dactyl indeed...this was from last night (after the notary left) when both birds wanted to find out why I was browsing FB and NOT making them bird dinner. (because regardless of what time I get home, it is always time to make bird dinner.)


To me, this looked like a classic velociraptor hunting technique...the cute one is being a decoy for the evil one, but which one is cute and which one is evil? :P




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I was never afraid of birds, but also didn't know, I SHOULD be afraid of birds! LOL! Before I had birds....my babysitter was desperate, asked me to go care for all her birds. I think it was around ten cages. Brought the kids...instructions left at each cage.This was our first intro to the bird world. Little did I know, a few weeks later, Ryan would be adopted by one of her foster birds. Nancy

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If someone brought out their pet tarantula, I would politely but firmly relocate to at least ten feet away at all times. I don't know about you, but all the spiders I've ever known can jump quite well, and I'm pretty certain I have special "jump on me and eat me please" spider pheremones ;) <shiver> Everything else, I can handle!


Well, maybe not bears. But that's only because they're big, mean, and actually DO eat people on occasion. Ahem. ;)

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