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Hi New and looking for advice


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I would have to say that if you are going to pay that much for the amazon, and you had already decided on the grey, I would go with the grey. It may never talk - mine doesn't - but it is the bird that you originally wanted, and I would hate for you to resent the amazon for not being the grey.


on the other hand, you could get the amazon now, and the grey in a few years! ....... oh, it is hell being a libra - you can never make a decision easily!:blink:


Go with your heart and don't look back! :P

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Ossy, I'm afraid you are in a confused pattern and are not able to make any decisions on this matter. You’re way over thinking this out. The more info you receive the more you are having this problem. For example, there are hundreds of cars you can buy, and you try to look at all the differences between them and get caught up in too many options. Looking (Like you say) for a year means you are not really sure you want a bird, or just can’t make up your mine. Are you afraid of making a decision, because the two different birds are very different, and now you are adding another on into the mix? Decide on the bird you want, and peruse that as a means of a long lasting relationship once you get the bird. We are all Grey lovers here so maybe we all believe the Grey is the way to go.

Much luck to you, and hope you get a bird soon. You’ll love it.



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I have a Yellow crowned Amazon and a Grey My Amazon is the most wonderful bird she has a vocabulary of over 6hundred word and Phrases she speaks in context if I leave the room she say where ya going when she whats to play she says comin play with me. If I rushing around trying to get ready to go out she say better hurry your goin to be late and If you give her somthing she say thank-you if she wants something that your eating ssay it popcorn she says popcorn please. She is also alot mot affectionet than my Grey is don;t get me wrong My grey is very smart also and has a huge vocabulary but she ver seldom will talk if anyone else is in the room She knows colors she learn new word and phrases daily If she hears it there is a good chance you will her her say it'she practices every morning and when ever she's by herself some grey will pluck their feathers an amazon will probubly never do that My Amazon is 10 yrs old and my grey is 4 yrs old at the rate my grey is learning she will probubly know way mor than my zon at 10 yrs old and hopfully by that time she will have enough confidence to not be a clpset talker. Its your choise but as far as I can see as far s which bird is smarter there is no difference the difference is in the speices the Amazon is a much more confident bird than the grey and my Amazon can also sing beautifully the birds in my signature are my grey and my Amazon




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