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I told you NO Rom!

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Got home from work.Opened birdroom.Sophie immediately flew out landed on corner cabinet in kitchen that I have covered with a towel, as she enjoys chewing the wood.( my new kitchen!) I didn't say a word, as she started to chew on the towel. She gave me one look... said "I said NO!...NO CHEW!" Rom go outside! LOL! Now I'm treated like our dogs! Nancy

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With Misty I usually say "That's not for you" when he grabs or starts to to chew something he is not allowed. Sometimes he will look at something longingly in one of the pigeon holes in my desk and if he sees me looking he will say "Trouble trouble" "That's not for you" At that point if I don't head him off he will make a grab and try to keep it from me. One of his current favorites are lottery tickets. I have a habit of saving them up and checking them after I have a small pile. He hasn't managed to destroy a winner yet!. There are so many possible targets he will grab whatever he can and make a run for it. Of course if I just give him it he usually loses interest. The important thing to him is teasing me! Recently he has started to use the phrase as a kind of order. If I have something in my hand he wants he says "That's not for you" implying I should give it to him. One time I had the water sprayer on my lap having just squirted him with it. He wasn't happy with that. He divebombed my lap and said "Thats not for you" and then grabbed it and threw it down to the floor!


Steve n Misty

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I agree, brats, loveable brats! Gabby gets into stuff knowing she shouldn't and just stares me down, challanging me, as she is tossing stuff off the counter one thing at a time.

Oh, her new thing is to grab the end of the paper towels at take off with it, unrolling it across the house!

Edited by murfchck
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LOL to the paper towels! I hadn't even thought of that one... My biggest struggle with Timber is keeping him off the floor (because of my cats primarily). He will hang from the bottom of his cage and eyeball me around the corner, waiting for the moment I'm distracted so he can slide down the stand leg. He will pull his head around to the other side then keep peeking around the corner. Since he is aware of my limited capabilities and attention span, he knows that eventually I will have a lapse and he can attain the floor. I say "Go on Timber" and he says "Timber's a good bird." Ha, like I'm buying that!

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Oh, Gabby is a floor walker too and we have 4 dogs and a cat. She doesn't care and they are scared to death of her, she is a butt biter. The only room in my house that still has baseboards in tack is our bedroom and she has now started to venture in there. While Pat was laid up she would go to the door and knock on it until either we opened it for her or a dog opened it to see who was on the other side!

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OMG! LOVED all the responses!

Mistyparrot.... I agree.... " thats not for you!" Shame on you for wanting to spritz dear Misty! WHAT were you THINKING? LOL

murfchck...LOL! I GET the paper towel thing. Sophie's favorite to destroy. I'm glad she hasn't figured out how to hold onto an end and take off with it! LOL!

Timbersmom.. What problem do you have understanding "timber is a good bird?" LOL!

They all all BRATS!!!!! Welove them to death Nancy

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