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Does anyone else have a Grey that won't poop in his cage?


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I have stayed away from potty training because I didn't want to cause Felix any health problems from him holding his poop. However, he seems to have potty trained himself. On most days, he won't poop in his day cage when we are not home which can be up to 8 hours at a time. He will poop in his night cage but it's never a large amount. Can it be harmful to him to hold it for so long?



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I tried potty training mine, I held him over a tras can and told him "go poop". I started it I the mornings when I uncovered him, so I can get his giant morning poo in the trash. Soon after he would not go in his cage but he would go every where else, including on me. Then I tried to stop the "training" but still took him out right away in the mornings for that giant one, then he would go to a stand or the aviary. I had to leave for a couple days and had a neighbor come talk to, feed and water him, and I was so worried, but he did start pooping in his cage. I felt so bad leaving him and I called my neighbor all the time, she thought I was crazy asking her if she saw poop lol. Anyway, once I stopped taking him out of the cage to poop in the trash, he started going again in his cage, it took a while, probably because I still took him to the trash because I thought he wouldn't go. Hope This wasn't confusing :)

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Misty does not like to poop in his cage. It is used mostly for sleeping but if I am out he has to be in there. Otherwise he will cause all kinds of mayhem. As soon as he comes out I take him to the bathroom so he can do what is necessary. He will go from his perches so I have to provide for that.

I think not pooping in his cage is a normal thing for a grey unless they have to spend a lot of time caged.


Steve n Misty

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From what I've seen here, it is an entirely individual decision greys make. Timber will go anywhere, anytime, on the cage, in the cage, on me, just wherever. But, like Steve said, I've seen several others say their bird has a particular place they prefer or prefer not to go.

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My TAG won't poop in his cage and it is his choice. It used to make me crazy because I leave for work very very early and can't give him out of cage time in the mornings. This leaves him holding it from 9 pm to 4 pm. I was very worried about it and talked with the vet at his check up and she said not to worry because it is his choice and he will go if he has to. It still bothers me so I refuse over time and rush home after work. Going out to dinner is now take out or delivery.

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Greycie won't go in her cage. According Bobbi Brinker, a Grey's natural tendency is not to poop where they hang out to avoid attracting predators - not sure how true that is. Greycie will poo on me so that doesn't say much for what she thinks about me being a good snack for said predator.

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Greycie won't go in her cage. According Bobbi Brinker, a Grey's natural tendency is not to poop where they hang out to avoid attracting predators - not sure how true that is. Greycie will poo on me so that doesn't say much for what she thinks about me being a good snack for said predator.


I don't believe in most things that bobbi Brinker says because she has a known habit of giving blanket answers to specific problems or situations. first off, a grey that's pooping to avoid predator birds is not true because in the wild, those greys most imporantly stay as a flock and poop when and where they want to all day long. They also stay together all day long. As far as predatory attack, certain birds take over as lookouts for danger just like most other wild animals, not holding their feces until the all clear signal is given.

As far as pooping in or out of a cage that has to do with how long the bird holds it in. It could be sunrise or at the time of waking. Their largest poop occurs in the morning. Afterward, they poop and urinate every 60 to 80 minutes all day long no matter where they are. Some people instantly take their birds out of a cage in the morning and put the bird on a playstand. Other people don't and the bird goes in a cage. A bird can't hold in a morning poop until the person comes around to take the bird out of a cage. A bird produces a large amount of feces during the night when sleeping and needs to epel it quickly. The rest of the day is mostly urinating.

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my 5 months old grey poops everywhere except inside it's cage where it spends upto 8-10 hours sleeeping :)

we were just discussing today how to make it understand that cage was meant to be the place where it should poop & not all over the house :P


Good thing is that it never poops while on my hand, shoulder or head.. if it feels the urge to poop it might fly off to a flat surface (a floor,etc) & will perform a 4 sec dancing ritual before doing the dew


I find these birds v clever.. beyond imagination.. i personally think they can be potty trained.. just havn't figured out a way as yet

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Greys are VERY intelligent. They will learn routines and schedules in regards pooping, eating, playing and all other times. Heck, they will even tell you it's time to feed the dogs if you run a little late doing it. :P


I agree with Daves thoughts on this subject. Dayo will poop in his cage if we do not take him out with in the first 30 minutes or so first thing in the morning. If we do get him out first thing, then he will go once we place him over the kitchen sink (makes it easy to just rinse away). But, once out, ALL area are fair game for when ever he feels the need to let one go.


I guarantee anyone that leaves their Grey caged for most the day without taking them out will find a morning bomb in the cage sooner or later, as Dave said. Of course, they can try and aim it out of the cage though, which really annoys me when Dayo does that...Talk about a messy carpet first thing in the morning you gotta clean upu!!! :P

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ture- at night no problem.. but during the day BIG problem.. not for me :) but for other family members

i try to give it food attraction on its perch so it sits there..eat.. n poop but no guarantee as it doesnt really enjoys being there.. will eat n fly off


there must be some way to make them potty train or something..

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there must be some way to make them potty train or something..


There is BUT you must be consistent and others that your grey interacts with. You must learn the "Poop Body Language" and watch your grey like a hawk, pick them up and go hold them over where you want them to poop and say "Go Poop" or whatever you wish to call it.. "Bombs Away!" etc. every time they start to go. Over days they will learn most the time and just fly there and poop when they need to.

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Sophie will poop anywhere, anytime she feels like it! She doesn't poop on my shoulder anymore... after the time I was dressed up, she wanted to be on my shoulder. I warned her that if she pooped on me... she would have a very unhappy mama. She was good. Sophie and I have a small amount of time to snuggle in the morning, without everyone else. I use to arrive at work with poop on my shoulder that I didn't notice. Now I get inspected daily by my secretary. I know she secretly desires for Sophie to poop on me as she finds this very funny! Nancy

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LOL Nancy, thats why I always try to check myself before walking out the door.... been VERY embarrassed a few times by forgetting........returning home and my wife saying "Did you know you have a big Poop down your back?" UGH!!! :P

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