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bird is crazy


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I have an African Grey Timmneh. I had him for 20 years. Not sure if male or female. Never cared to check. He was sick 19 years ago and the Vet said that I should be with him more. So he stays at my work in the office where he loves the attention and got well. Recently, he started screaching very loudly when he wants attention. I was so ear pearcing that I tried to scare him by bumping the cage to stop him. That didn't help so I would cover him and that helped. Just an hour of a cage cover is all he needs. But now he is very skittish. He hasn't talked an over 60 days. He sits in the corner of his cage and hides. I can't touch him or hold him. I can't even move near the cage without completely startling him. He falls off his perch often. His appetite is good, he still comes to me when I feed him. It seems like he had a stroke or something. He looks very healthy. All his feathers are intact. But he is not the same bird. It started when noticed one day he was playing on a chain toy in the middle of his cage. He loved to spin on it. One day he was on the toy at 12pm. I looked in on him an hour later and he was still there. I looked another hour later and he was still there. I actually had to unhook the toy from the cage with him clinging to it and set him down. That is when it started. He hasn't been the same since. He is now terrified of that toy so I removed it for good. I need some advice for his health.

Thank you

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Thank you Trancework and everyone that has responded. I sometimes wonder if I caused this problem. I feel real bad that this may have happened. Unfortunately, the only Avian Vet is about 100 miles away. The vet we have here is allergic. Wow! I will make the trip and leave him there until I get the results. He is afraid of everyone. He use to like everyone. (Except girls) I have understood these birds but I hope that I didn't go beyond his understanding when I frightened him. Anyway, I am taking baby steps to recover his trust, if that is what actually happened. I am hand feeding him as much as possible and he responds to the quietness and gentleness of my actions. I am sorry if anyone out there is upset that he may have been mistreated. There was no intention of mistreatment. I did have him for over 20 years and we got along very well. I will keep you informed on the progress of this situation.

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Ok, I took Al to the vet this morning. He said Al looks better than most Greys he had seen. He doesn't pluck his feathers, his weight is good, He eats well and his poop looks good. He wants to experiment though, He said the blood work is not necessary. I am not 100% sure he is correct. He seems to think the problem is nuerological. He set me up with some anti siezure meds for Al. A very light doseage in his water. Phenobartiel or something like that. Hard to read his writing. He said, see what happens in a week. Hope to get my friend back soon. Thanks again for all your responces. Keith

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Thanks for this update. I hope he gets better. Watch for any worsening of behavior using this prescription and discontinue if need be. You may end up having to find an avian vet further away that will conduct proper testing of blood, neurological and physical. The description of him hanging from that chain toy is not normal at all and for that long could certainly point to a clot etc.

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fmcc A very interesting case indeed. It is unusual for a bird to start having seizures 20 years later. Zoey developed seizues six months ago.Many dogs do around six years of age. She is now on pheonobarb as well as well as thyroid med. She is doing quite well.Ifhe continues to fall off perch.... think of seeing a specialist who deals with neurological disorders.May not be seizures. Nancy

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