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Question on leg/hip issues...


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UPDATE #3 on page 2!


Hi, I am new here :) I posted a short intro in the welcome area. But have some questions. We are going through a parrot shop to buy our African Grey. We have a unique situation and we are still undecided what we will do. The baby Grey has a leg/hip issue. It either was born with it or it happened while at the breeders because it came to the shop we bought it from with the issue. The parrot shop owners took it to an avian vet and the vet put a cast on it. Vet is not sure if baby will be able to walk on it. Owner's are willing to find another bird for us if we decide that a bird with a disability isn't right for our home. My questions are...


-What would owning a disabled bird entail, one especially who can't walk on one of it's legs?


-Has anyone been in a similar situation?


-Anyone seen a baby grey with a leg problem where it eventually gets better?

Edited by goldilocks
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I won't tell you to get it or not get it. I don't knw how you feel about getting disabled bird. More thn likely, the bird has a splayed leg/foot. It's not uncommon for that to happen and it usually happens at the place it was origally bred. Below is info who've never had a bird with a splayed legged bird.

The leg/foot will remain that way especially if the bird is older thn 4 wks old right now. Not much can be done for splayed leg/foot after that age. It'll never get straight.

You would need a modified cage. The bird may never have proper balance which it the reason for a modified cge,.Perches would need to be shaped differently. There's a chance that walking may be difficult or on the other hand walking may be the only way to get around out of the cage. It's hard to say how you'll deal with it. Some people will say that their bird has the same problem but there's different seriousness to different splayed legs. Some will say to get the bird and others will say not to get the bird. It's up tio you.

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I agree with Dave. It is your decision and your's alone. The baby will most llikely need flatter perches - available. Maybe, at least at first, padded bottom of cage. You may need a cage that is wider rather than with taller - this would be a bit easier for the baby to get around. As s/he gets older a regular cage may be able to be used. Hopefully the store will give you time to see how the baby is doing before you make up your mind. Please let us know how it goes.

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Awe, thank you guys so much for being supportive either way. We already got the chance to meet her and I'm feeling very emotionally torn over it. She goes back to the vet this week to get the cast off and to see how it's healed. We will meet her one more time and see how she is able to walk before we make our final decision. The shop owner's are wonderful and super understanding, I'm so thankful as they are such wonderful and nice people. Again thank you all for your input and words of support!! :)

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Here is Gabby, she has a 90 degree bend in her leg. 20, almost 21 now, and she is the terror of of house. By that i mean she is everywhere, not afraid of anything and gets into everything! The only thing " special" she gets is a much fatter sleeping perch and a shelf in her cage for resting.


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Here is Gabby, she has a 90 degree bend in her leg. 20, almost 21 now, and she is the terror of of house. By that i mean she is everywhere, not afraid of anything and gets into everything! The only thing " special" she gets is a much fatter sleeping perch and a shelf in her cage for resting.


Thanks for posting this. Disabled greys and other parrots as well can have a larger than life personality, be very loving and bring a ton of joy to the lucky home they share it with. :)

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We have Smartee Pants a Timnah who has a similar leg to Gabby except his is turned to the outside rather than inside. He gets around very well, no one told him he has a problematic leg. He can hold food with it, climb all over and chase the other larger birds at our house, little stinker is pugnacious (our little Napoleon).

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goldilocks, certainly none of us can tell you what to do, you have to decide what is right for you and your family. But I'll tell you about our girl, Seraph, who came to us at 16 weeks old with a "weird claw", which we were told was a result of that "toe" being bitten while she was in the nest. No one is really sure what happened, but our girl has permanent nerve damage in that foot that causes her pain from time to time depending on how much she uses it. It's also her dominant foot and she has trouble extending/contracting the digits which makes it tough to grip things. She doesn't like to walk much, presumably because it causes her pain to fully extend the talon and put her weight on it. We let her claws grow a little sharper than her brother so that she can hang on to perches and shoulders much better, and she seems to do better with wider perches than those more appropriately sized for her petite feet.


All that being said, the nerve damage hasn't slowed her down one bit. Once she learned to fly she has been in heaven, I chop her food smaller for her so she can grip it better, and between both our birds she is the one that hangs upside down and does the most acrobatic tricks. We named her "Seraph" because she is truly an angel and not a day goes by that we don't thank God that she's with us.

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Aw all these disabled greys stories are so inspiring! Thank you to those who shared their neat birds with me!

Latest update...


Her leg is looking GOOD! We were sent pictures (see below) and it looks much better then prior to getting the cast. She has a follow up appointment today so we shall see what the vet says. We are cautiously optimistic and hopeful. I've been praying daily on this, my husband and I have differing opinions on bringing a disabled bird into our family. I'm already attached and love her so much I really want her no matter what.




When we went to see her a few weeks back...



Right leg/claw now after cast was taken off...




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She looks good in the last two pictures, looks to be standing ok but time will tell if she has any problems perching but it certainly looks very promising, it also seems apparent that you have already decided to take her which makes me very happy and I think you will find she will probably get around very well, after all she doesn't know she is any different from other greys.

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She looks good in the last two pictures, looks to be standing ok but time will tell if she has any problems perching but it certainly looks very promising, it also seems apparent that you have already decided to take her which makes me very happy and I think you will find she will probably get around very well, after all she doesn't know she is any different from other greys.


Yep, hubby want's to wait till we go see her again (sometime in May) before we actually decide. But my heart has already made a decision. I just hope that he'll come to that same decision too. :)

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  • 1 month later...



I know it's been a bit since I last posted and wanted to update all you wonderful supporters! :) Hubby eventually decided that no matter the outcome of her leg she was our baby!! We picked and agreed on a name, Avah! Shortly there after she had more troubles with her leg, so the store owners took her back to the avian vet and he put the cast back on. We've been visiting her every other weekend. She got the cast back off a few weeks ago and she has started the physical therapy process and is now walking and working on perching!!! She is our amazing miracle!! We are so honored to have her in our family and so excited because we get to bring her home this next weekend!!! Thank you, thank you everyone for your kind words, support, advice and positive thoughts, very appreciated!


Avah's first time on mom's arm, she did so good!!



Kisses from Dad!


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