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We are expecting a baby GREY! :)

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Hi all! My husband and I have already put a deposit down on a baby grey. We are very excited and can't wait to welcome this new addition to our family. :) I will be sure to update this when we do get the bird and name it :) As of now things are in limbo (I will be posting here about our story) so we haven't chosen a name yet.

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Hello Goldilocks and welcome to our family.

Is this your first grey, your first parrot? I am excited for you as you wait for the day your baby grey comes home so be sure to read thru as many of the threads here as you can to help with the transition but if you have done your homework it should be a piece of cake. Looking forward to hearing more and maybe see some pictures of your baby if you have some you would share with us.

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Welcome to the forum. You can fill up those long days of waiting reading all you can here. Start with the stickies in each forum room, and ask ask ask if you have questions. Can you visit your baby as it's growing? If you can, will you take baby pictures so the members here can get their cuteness fix!?!?!?! lol

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