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Hello ;) just joined ... I have a 14 week old called Herbie

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Hello fellow Greys ;) I purchased my parrot a week ago and already I love him to bits ;) he's cuddly tame already and loves me to bits (I think) looking for a forum for help and advice and just general chit chat and like minded sharing and caring .. Anyone from Kent, UK? I'd love to find a parrot "shop" where I can go and browse and spend spend spend for my Herbie Birdie ;) and where's the online bargains .. Anyone got any tips for a African Grey Virgin?

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Hello Herbies Parront and welcome to our family.

We do have several members from the UK who will chime in with where they shop but I do know that one online place some of them go to is Northern Parrots, not sure what the web address is but just google it to find it.

Would love to see some pictures of Herbie if you have some you would share with us.

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Hi and welcome I am in UK west midlands and sadly we do not have too many places that supply much for our cags, I envy the US they really have great supply places but the internet has alot to offer Iv had some real good toys off e bay (new Ones) and look up making your own that works well and you dont spend £20.00 just to watch them chew it up, will try and get a couple of links up of one I like to use.

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Welcome, we newbies :) Should be an interesting ride.


I looked over several websites, and these forums seemed to be the most helpful, friendly and informative that I found. Very community like.


Hope you enjoy the reading and learning as much as I have so far.

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