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After much research and soul searching we decided to include a an African Grey into our family.


I found a lot of useful and informative information here.


I am currently in the Middle East and found a breeder. They didn't seem to treat the birds to well at all.


Birds were yanked out of cages and tossed from customer to customer with most of the birds clearly voicing their displeasure.


I saw one small little guy hunkered down in the back of a cage just shaking so badly.


I looked him in the eye, and it was almost a cry for rescue.


So we paid the man his money, and got him out of there.


He seems to have started settling down and will climb to the top of his cage, but I am taking my time with it, and letting him do his thing and get adjusted.


I am sure I will gleen more wisdom from here and thank you again.



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Welcome Kevin! :)


You are doing the right thing in taking it very slow with tons of patience and love with this very frightened grey. The unfortunate thing about the middle east, is most greys you find there in places such as you have described are wild caught in Africa and smuggled out. Just do as you are and sit from a distance and chill, talk to him softly, read a book etc. and just share the space and quiet as he gets settled in with his new loving home.

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Hello Kevin and welcome to our family.

I am so glad you picked the one you did and I feel so bad about the greys you encountered for they are possibly wild caught, ripped from the only home they knew then handled like so much meat, oh don't get me started.

You have done the right thing in taking your time with him, let him settle into his new home and do not force anything on him right now, he needs to feel safe and secure in order for a bond to develop between the two of you and that takes lots of time and patience. He will let you know when he is ready for more as greys are very cautious creatures.

Thanks for including a couple of pictures of him in your intro post and do you have a name for him yet?

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Welcome Kevin. Oh your new companion is a lucky guy indeed to have found a patient and loving new parront. I look forward to going on this journey with you and your new friend. You are doing all the right things: time and patience with your new companion taking the lead. Grey Time = nice and slow.

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Thanks everyone. Not knowing if it is male or female yet, we named her.him Sukei (Dont ask lol) To get Sukei back to the states I have to get him/her micro chipped and vaccinated with travel papers. Thought I would give it 30 days before I move Sukei again.


It is banded (Broken Ring) but as of yet can not get close enough to read the band. Sukei may or may not be smuggled, hard to tell, guess Ill get a better idea when I look at the band.


Sukei comes straight up out of the cage and perches all day, likes the shower (Spray Bottle) but will not get in hand yet.


I did find something curious though, I'm sitting in the chair next to Sukie and every time I raise my hand she raises her right talon. At first I thought it coincidence, not thinking there would be any kind of showing off before getting comfortable enough to ride the hand, but it happens every time LOL.


Again thanks for the welcome.

Edited by KevinD
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Thanks everyone. Not knowing if it is male or female yet, we named her.him Sukei (Dont ask lol) To get Sukei back to the states I have to get him/her micro chipped and vaccinated with travel papers. Thought I would give it 30 days before I move Sukei again.


It is banded (Broken Ring) but as of yet can not get close enough to read the band. Sukei may or may not be smuggled, hard to tell, guess Ill get a better idea when I look at the band.


Sukei comes straight up out of the cage and perches all day, likes the shower (Spray Bottle) but will not get in hand yet.


I did find something curious though, I'm sitting in the chair next to Sukie and every time I raise my hand she raises her right talon. At first I thought it coincidence, not thinking there would be any kind of showing off before getting comfortable enough to ride the hand, but it happens every time LOL.


Again thanks for the welcome.


Keep up the good work. A raising of a foot, sometimes is body language saying, "Back-off" or "leave me alone" a parrot who wishes not to bite will do this. You've got a good Grey. I think your going to find out the open band isn't going to help you to much. Anybody at any time can put on that type of band.....Thanks

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I didn't know that the foot raising could indicate back off. That is good information. I've seen a few birds who were trained to "wave bye" and my first thought was that someone might have trained her to do that. As I understand, when someone is training it they raise their hand to get the bird to imitate. I'm particularly interested in this because Timber says "wave bye" but he doesn't wave.

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Poor little one. I'm so glad you found each other. I just wish places like where you found him didn't exist. Your main job right now is to prove to him that you're nothing like the humans he's had contact with up to now. Bring something good to every interaction, even if right now it's just a calm and loving voice and presence. One cue that he's starting to feel comfortable is if he starts to preen, or sit with one foot raised. Read the body language thread (I thin it's in the training forum room stickies at the top). Watch him for cues and let him lead the way in your relationship. I wouldn't worry about handling him right now, but let him see you and his other 'flock' members interact. He'll take it all in and make some decisions about his new home. Good luck with your new fid. <3

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KevinD To me...it sounds like Sukie is offering you a step up. Lifting of the foot, is either they are stressed... or want to stepup. The scenario you present, was not a stressful moment, so I can only think it was an invitation to " pick me up!" ALWAYS be ready for their invites, and NEVER decline their offerings. You may not get them again.

My son Ryan just called me, asking me what I was doing. I was " petting Sophie's foot!" LOL! She lifted her foot to be picked up, but really didn't want to be picked up. I was petting her foot, which she was enjoying. LOL Nancy

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