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Aviator Harness


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I bought an aviator harness size medium from 24parrot.com My bird absolutely loves it. She flies straight to me when she sees it, and ducks her head and lifts her wings while I fix it.


The only problem with the Aviator Harness is you have to adjust it every time you use it, but its only one pull. Liath usually grabs hold of the clip and tries to pull it for me. I think it is a brilliant invention. Birds are meant to fly outside. I also bought an extension length so she can go further as I found she kept wanting to go further than the lead allows. The lead supplied is quite short.

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I have an Aviator Harness for Dayo also.


We get it on him ok, but once on for a few minutes and outside, the leash cord seems to bother him and of course I suppose the strange new sights outside spook him too. I walked around our pool decking with him and when we got close to an incense burner (Not burning) wrought iron pole stand he freaked, flew until the end of the lease, the flew down and then just went in psycho circles entwining the leash cord around his feet :ohmy: Of course now the only thing he could think of was getting that leas from around his feet :-)


It took a while to calm him down to where he didn't try to Bite us or the leash off. I finally distracted him with a peanut while he took his vengeance out on it ripping it to shreds while Kim quickly got his feet untangled and the harness off. WHEW!@! Boy were our hearts racing along with his :woohoo:


Anyway, I let him play with the harness to ensure he is still ok with it, but haven't taken him out since then :-(


I am not sure at this point that he enjoys the outdoors.....yet B)

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Hi, I have the avaitor as well and Ying Mo just loves it. I can do anything with him at the moment. At first he was pretty scared when cars drove past but now after talking to him and warning him that a car is coming he has settled down. I have tried to extend it with a retrackable dog lead but he doesn't seem to like that. He just wants to sit on me.

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Ok when Chico was younger I tried the harness and HATED it I wonder if I was going a bout it worng I also hear that the new ones aren't as compalcated is that true. I guess what I am asking is there anyonne out there that try both types and had better results or does anyone have tips on how to get Chico to accept the harness better he loves being out side (I have a cage on the back patio for him) but I would like a lil more mobilty<br><br>Post edited by: mosfatal, at: 2007/10/24 19:56

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