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escher progress


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Escher and I are doing great. I've gotten few bites while we figure each other out but that was just the day after we got him. Escher is 10 months old and I've had him since Saturday. I don't know if Escher is male or female but since we have a male dog out of habit we say he.

he steps up very well just took one day to teach him that. He even says it and picks up his foot. I I say step up he says yes and picks up his foot.

when he sits on me he fluffs up and grinds his beak which I read is a sign of contentment, he will also open his wing and bob hi head.

last night he gave me kisses and when I said it was bedtime he said step up and picked up his foot.

Escher was on an all parrot seed diet and I'm switching him over to pellets. He loves vegetables and tangerines and will eat them right out of my hand. he doesn't like bananas he just throws them on the floor. I made him some chop and chopped up pellets in it and he loves it. this morning I gave him straight pellets and he ate them no problem. I'm very excited about.

Escher has a balance problem because he is missing 2nails on his left foot and 1 on his right, but he is getting better. Another bird where he used to live got ahold of him. He is learning to reach with his right foot instead of his left because he can balance better that way.

Another thing he likes to do is taste my fingers. If my hand is anywhere near him he will taste my fingers.

so all in all his progress is way better than I thought it would be in less than a week. he has me absolutely spoiled. he will also sit on my husband no problem, but he doesn't grind his beak or head bob like he does with me.

sorry its so long and for any bad typing I'm doing this one handed as my other hand is occupied with Escher.


escher 2.jpg

escher 3.jpg

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