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Training a new baby grey


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Hi all newbies! Welcome! I thought it would be good to post a new thread regarding questions regarding training of you new bird. It doesn't need to be a newbie question. It can be a question to you, from an experienced birdowner. Sometimes, new owners, don't know what question to ask!

I feel very strong about " stepup, stepdown." I feel strongly, this education is " key", to a successful bird. Lets discuss this.... Nancy

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Training is such an interesting topic. I know when I have had dogs, there was a clear "training" goal: sit, stay, "potty training". With Gracie it has been different. She was always good about step up and step-down from the beginning. The only other issue was with nips/bites. She did go through a stage where this occurred. At first I tried to just ignore the bite. This is common advice, and it may work for many parrots. With Gracie I realized that I needed to react to the bites by making her aware that I was unhappy about them. When she nipped I was very clear, and said with a serious tone, "No bite." This actually worked very well. Even now, Gracie will say "No bite...Gracie loves Daddy. No bite."--and she doesn't bite. She hasn't lied or "sucker punched" me....yet. Maybe I'm lucky, but I think Gracie just needed to learn that nipping was not acceptable. I never really had to give her a "time out" back in the cage--but that might be necessary for some. With Gracie--just a stern tone worked well enough. Otherwise, she really is almost perfect in her behavior. If she is doing something she shouldn't I just have her step up and remove her from the situation. Now obviously she is a young bird. She is just 20 months and about to enter her terrible twos. Then there is adulthood and all those hormones-.That will be another challenge--but for now I have to say we have almost no issues. I may be back here asking for advice as she moves through those milestones, but right now I am counting my blessings.

Edited by JeffNOK
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Gracie understands the concept " No bite!". It took Sophie some time, as she was adopted at two, and also had to learn the concept of "NO Bite", and go thru terrible twos at the same time. It took around six months, but we did do a timeout of five minutes for agressive behavior. A time for all to take a deep breath, let her know her behavior wasn't appreciated, and we always started from scratch again after five minutes. I think you have a great head start if you see the terrible twos. She already knows what is acceptable behavior. Just stick to it! Sophie's terrible twos were really not that bad.Never dealt too much with hormonal issues either. Kiki the Amazon.... was a different matter.Even Sophie when out with Kiki in family room...Kiki is being hormonal, Sophie will stick her beak down and butt in the air! I'm learning! I'm gonna do that to this year with Sophie if we see it again! Nancy

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