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what is,open door policy

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I just want to make sure, new parrents that like the thought of " open door policy "understand what this means.It doesn't mean, they can fly all over the house. It means... they have a room, that has a closed door, that is dedicated to them. Their cages aren't closed, they have gyms they can stepup too. NO bird should have access to the entire house. Once I am home... my guys can comeout and hang with me. It continues to be a "controlled enviroment". There are too many things that our birds can get into and get hurt. Nancy

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Greetings Nancy...Joe here...as representative of Salsa, Tango and the rest of our flock, I am wholeheartedly in agreement with your open door policy. Jay and Maggie are allowed throughout our home but they do have their own room. Their door is kept closed and we do demand access to that room upon occasion. We require Jay and Maggie to keep the poop stations clean throughout the house and expect our food and drink bowls to be clean and filled at all times. They have access to our kitchen because they do prepare our meals and in turn, we let them prepare their own in appreciation. We are somewhat worried though. It appears that Jay and Maggie were severely clipped sometime before we moved in with them and their feathers have not appeared to have grown back. I am afraid they may never fly again. Another frightening sight...I don't know if you have ever truly seen a plucked human before. It can be frightening if you are not used to it. Over the years, we have become accustomed to it. We have not noticed any eggs yet...but it seems like they are always hormonal. Another thing that we have noticed is that Tango dropped one of her perches on the floor. Maggie tried to step up on it and fell over backwards...she really does need "Step Up" and perch training. As a final thought, I don't think that they will ever fledge...or fly....sigh...

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Joe, Salsa and Tango... OMG! SHAME on Maggie and Jay! They truly need training!They need to open up that final room! As far as their human clipping...don't worry too much about it...it takes time for our humans to develop to our expectations. BUT.... they are an interesting and curious species. I'm kind of fond of them! I believe they are trainable, and worth my interest. We will see. Sophie

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Joe. You should be grateful that your humans don't fly around your house. They are far to clumsy to be safe. It does look like you have them reasonably well trained though. You have obviously done a good job with them.

I have the same situation with Steve. Fortunately he is not a flyer either. I sometimes have to nag him to go to bed but he is mostly well behaved.



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