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Is grey intelligent enough to evaluate danger / risk of a ceiling fan?


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My 5 months old grey seem to be observing the movements of a ceiling fan very well. The way it looks up once a fan is turned on I can’t express.. for the very first time it got scared a little & clearly hinted that this moving thing up there looks dangerous.


Now it is used to with the noise & enjoys being under a ceiling fan. However, it hasn’t given up its way of looking and evaluating every time a fan is turned on. I clearly get this impression that it knows what’s up there & what’s going on.


It flies freely inside the house.. should I take this big risk & leave it under running ceiling fans?




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ABSOLUTELY NOT! Greys think they can conquer the world! They are smart... but their desire to defeat everything and anything is very strong, and can cause them to get injured. They don't understand simple dangers and never will. OFF with the fan.As baby's trust for you becomes stronger, it can be misplaced with simple home appliances. Your baby should NOT be flying freely within your home also. No way when we protect them. Believe me... my house is birdproof... but even I can'tprovide them with 100% safety. They get their birdroom.No lighting, all outlets plugged. They can be with me in kitchen and family room,only under supervision. Nancy

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Okay, I'm probably going to get bashed here. But I have ceiling fans in most of the rooms in my house and have used them as I desire. I never put them on high unless the birds are in their cages and personally, I don't like the high setting myself. But I do use the medium and low almost always in the summer months. My birds have never flown that high where they can get injured by them, my fans sit very close to the ceilings. In fact, Talon loves riding them on low. She sits and enjoys the merry go rou d effect. Nilah has flown on them when they are off, and I go over and spin the blades fast to get her off, so she now stays away from them.


I don't recommended anyone choosing to use them, but in my case, they aren't a problem.

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We have the ceiling fans that have blades that look like airplane propeller blades. They are designed to move slowly but have a very high CFM. Greycie stays away from them when on just because it's not a stable surface but due to their slow movement they are no danger to her when on. She has flown up there and landed once but got tired of the merry-go-round so she decided to look elsewhere.


A couple of rooms have the normal ceiling fans, I don't think I'd risk running those.

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so far marco has not flew that high either HOWEVER she is out of the cage ALOT and I choose to keep mine OFF! she gets spooked pretty easily ... if shes on her cage chillen and we walk in with something large like a BOX or something new it will spook her FAST and then shes in a panic flight ... it is not worth the risk i switched all our fans and keep the ceiling one OFF!

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Okay, I'm probably going to get bashed here. But I have ceiling fans in most of the rooms in my house and have used them as I desire. I never put them on high unless the birds are in their cages and personally, I don't like the high setting myself. But I do use the medium and low almost always in the summer months. My birds have never flown that high where they can get injured by them, my fans sit very close to the ceilings. In fact, Talon loves riding them on low. She sits and enjoys the merry go rou d effect. Nilah has flown on them when they are off, and I go over and spin the blades fast to get her off, so she now stays away from them.

I don't recommended anyone choosing to use them, but in my case, they aren't a problem.


Greetings..Joe here...I hope Babe and Papa have not read this...ugh! Hehehe...but I am going to snitch on Spock...When Babe and Papa were out of the room, Spock would fly to the fan and land on one of the blades. While holding on, he would flap his wings and hang on tight while it spinned around....he had a wild look in his eyes...Salsa would egg him on and go "WhooHoo"! If Papa or Babe started back into the room, he would take off and they would shake their head and say "Why is the fan spinning?"....hehehehe....Logical? Hmmm...Suicidal...

(As a side note, the fan had been disconnected)

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It would be nice, to have a very smart engineer, do the math of a ceiling fan on medium speed, to calculate the math of injury. Right up my youngest speed! Budding engineer in college. He LOVES challenges! I'll ask him after finals. Hopes he doesn't ask me to borrow Sophie for experiementing. She would be happy to participate! LOL Nancy ( NOT going to happen!)

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It would be nice, to have a very smart engineer, do the math of a ceiling fan on medium speed, to calculate the math of injury. Right up my youngest speed! Budding engineer in college. He LOVES challenges! I'll ask him after finals. Hopes he doesn't ask me to borrow Sophie for experiementing. She would be happy to participate! LOL Nancy ( NOT going to happen!)


MG= FRV* SSI where MG = Mashed Grey. FV= Fan Rotational Velocity and SSI=Sudden Shock Intensity.:cool::mad:


Steve N Misty

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YIKES! That doesn'tsound good!LOL! There goes Sean's experiment! I LOVE watching Sophie hangout with Sean while he develops all sorts of things. She is always patient, and feels she contributes. She is NOT allowed in the basement while he uses power tools, but hangs with him patiently with his other experiments. His latest fixing of my plugged sink in basement, she sneaked off with him and helped him unplug my drain. I was NOT happy! He did comment that she is " very much like me.... no home improvement skills! THATS my girl! Nancy

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It only takes one bad decision or a moment of Panic to have a sad result. We live in Houston Tx so it does get hot and we live with our ceiling fans on most of the year. If the birds are loose then fan is off or on very low.

Edited by Greywings
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Thanku guys for sharing your views!


The reason i'm so concerned was due to the fact that i lost a ring-neck because of a ceiling fan 15 years ago when i was a kid. And one bad move or moment of panic can get your bird killed- so true. Knowing all that & evaluating all the risks i would like to add here that so far i'm not dictating anything to my bird & it is learning things by itself and it has chosen to live with us, be with us under running ceiling fans.


It's been a month now since fans are running and yes- it knows and avoid the ceiling fans with no problem but again, its my point of view & would vary from case to case.. I think best thing would be to "follow your instincts, only we, know our birds" but experimenting on such living beings is not worth the risk

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