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Gabby had her check up today!


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Okay so she has a bumm leg, but out of 5 parrots she is the healthiest! He described her leg as our calf and half way down it bends at a 90 degree angle. He said if she were younger he may suggest it be fixed but at her age, she is use to it and has learned to compensate for it and it doesn't slow her down. Her weight is good at 455. I was told when she came to us that she had been to Dr. Moore with one of her previous owners and it seemed she remembered him some after he talked to her. He is going to look into his older records and see what he can find, all i could add was that she called someone she lived with Howard. Lol. He trimmed her nails and made her beak smooth and pretty again and said for her age and leg, she put up one hell of a fight to not be handled! She came back to me and just said hello! God, i love good news for a change! :o

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So Happy for you and Gabby! We had a young girl named Gabby interview for a job the other day. My boss asked me to take her around...asked what I thought of her. I immediately thought of your bird! LOL! I told her" anyone named Gabby, should be hired just by her name." How fun! (It didn't hurt that I LOVED her, and her credentials were awesome!)She got hired. SIGH.... another person to orient and the other five my boss just hired. Nancy

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She is a spoiled stinker. After her dr visit, i got home and had to take Pat to the er clinic. He hurt his back and couldn't walk. He has been in bed except for the occasional walk i force him to take. He hasn't seen the birds since Sunday night. She spotted him last night and was hell bent on getting to him. Plowed past the dogs and knocked on the bedroom door. I opened the door for her and in she ran, right to Pat and wouldn't leave his side! Kisses non stop!

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Gabby knows that love has healing properties, smart girl. Our little TAG Smartee Pants has a deformed leg that never slows him down. He is the smallest of our Greys but definitely the most aggressive, Whisper is twice his size but he thinks nothing of going after her to chase her off.

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Tonight she heard him and flew to the bedroom door, knocking on it. I opened the door for her and off she went to her daddy. Pat ventured out to see the other fiddos but Gus threw a fit! He hadn't seen then since bedtime Sunday and i guess Gus was mad. I got bite on the back of my neck, then my thumb trying to get him off my back.( he saw Pat, freaked out, crown up and took off flying landing on my neck/back area) Then Bubba and Oliver started screaming, oh good times, took Pat back to bed and birdies stopped fussing. I guess while he is home during the day, he needs to atleast stick his head in their room in the morning and say hi. ( thats tuff to do, if they know someone is home, its screamapalooza. If you get sick in this house, you still have to pretend your going to work or there is no rest to be had)

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