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A gentle side

Ray P

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An amazon bite can bring pain like you have never felt before.

An amazon bite can leave a life long scar.

An amazon bite can bring a grown man to his knees.

Never let an amazon on your shoulder.

Never let an amazon near your face.

OK lets be honest. You can remove the word amazon and replace it with any parrot species and the statement could be and would be true.

Many people have taken the other parrot species and made loving, caring and gentle companions out of them and this is great. A zon can be a loving, caring and gentle companion also.

Any thing my amazon can do when it comes to being a brat, My grey can kick it up a notch or two.

OK amazon people tell these strangers about the gentle side of your zon

When Cricket wants some attention she will walk up in front of you and look up at you with those big eyes and say HI, HI.

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Oh. I. Love this thread!


I adore my Nilah, I adore all my parrots, but Nilah has a special way of letting my know she loves me, misses me and wants to be with me as much as possible. I will post more examples later. Off to work.... Thank you Ray!

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Cricket also loves to climb up to my shoulder and get real close to my head and make little sounds of content into my ear.

She will also sit on my shoulder for hours at a time and we will jibber jabber back and forth and just enjoy each others company.

I will try and locate some of the pictures of us together.

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What a great video. I dont have an pics of me & Nilah unfortunately..:( Aww. the love of an amazon. They have such an open way of showing their love. NIlah

always gets excited by my presence. She will cluck, giggle, eyes oin in and out, and can't sit or stand still in her cage when she sees me. As soon as she hears me come home, she yells, "BIRRRD!!!!!!!!!" over and over getting louder each time. When i finally reply back, she yells, "HI BIRD!" then when I go into the room to see her, she quietly says "hi Bird" with such a relief in her voice.


She always wants to be with me, and when she has missed me from being gone all day, she rubs the side of her face over and over cuddling my face. Sometimes she will put her face under my chin and rub it. SHe is such a love and a cuddler. She loves to have her head rubbed, and her favorite thing is to have her left foot massaged for hours on end if you will.

MY gryes are sweet and Rikki loves cuddles, but it isn't anything like the love of a zon. They just adore you and are not afraid to show it.

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Kiki my amazon,is a lover! An adventure seeker,a toy destroyer,etc! Today...home sick...she was sitting on the couch with me. A comforter,hanging on the edge of the couch. Sophie started to climb up the comforter, Kiki at the top, screaming at her to stop! Wasn't my battle! Sophie got to the top,Kiki backed off by two inches.They both sat there for the next hour, happy as could be. Nancy

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Now if you could just guarantee that my hubby could have a relationship like that with an amazon if I got one, I'd consider it! :)

in all seriousness, you and your husband go out and look at re-home older amazons, remember they don't mature until around 12yr's old and a re-home zon and a grey are not alike, a zon carry's far less baggage then a grey, they travel light and live for the day.

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Jay is right. Before Cricket I would never have considered a amazon as a companion parrot. the fact is, I had a fear of amazons.

Cricket was 13 when we rehomed her and I love her more than I ever thought I would. Our bond was fast and it is firm.

Would I ever take in a amazon again that needed a home ? In a heart beat.

This does not take anything away from my grey Corky, for I love her with all my heart.

Corky my grey is Corky and Cricket my zon is Cricket and Willie my cockatiel is Willie. They are who I am.

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